For starters sorry there were so many
mistakes in my last email. I was writing very fast, and when i'm
stressed my fingers cramp. haha just think of it as a game. I know
you're all at home bored and you're looking forward to translating, :)
This area is like crossing into a whole new world as my good
friend Ariel would put it. I traveled from the long road to somewhere
with a completely different culture. and by long it's about 15 minutes.
haha I left mini Asia to mexico/India. As I arrived I couldn't help
but say "we're not in Kansas anymore Toto." talk about a different
life. It doesn't even feel like the same state. I'm more ocean level
and so I feel the heat more. Threes aren't quite as dense and i'm no
longer living in the Ritz. In just two days we doubled the lessons of
my last area and have had more referrals than the whole last transfer.
I've become very connected with my best friend Lucille ball at this
point. Why? because if you remember correctly she doesn't speak any
Spanish. Neither do I. My eyes are as big as hers and my accent is
about the same. all I need to do is dye my hair red and start calling my
companion Ricky. you know when she gets that look when Ricky starts
getting mad at her and she says "it wasn't me" well i'm about the
same. When someone starts babbling off to me in Spanish, I look all
cute, innocent, and say "es verdadero" or "yo se que...." I feel
sympathy for that woman.
I've officially seen some quality things here that I also
didn't seen in my first transfer... Breast feeding in lessons, a little
boy going to the bathroom off his apartment balcony... don't walk
under the edge YOU MAY GET WET, a naked Hispanic who just happened to
walk from the bathroom to his room while we were talking to his dad at
the door. And really i'm sure this is just the beginning! This mission
really could be considered foreign. or like Disney world where they
have all the different cultures in Epcot, yup Seattle is a melting pot
of who's its and what's not's. a Chinese, america, and Hispanic
restraint all in one? ?que que? are those even similar flavors? NO!
nast. We have all sorts of Spanish, name any country that speaks
Spanish and I bet we have them in our branch or area. The majority are
Hispanics followed by Guats, El salvadors, Peru, Hondurans, pretty much
lots from central america. I'll tell you what though Hispanics know how
to party, at an 8 year old's birthday last night, there was Red jello,
strawberry rainbow cake, tres leches, and a HUGE pot of who knows what.
some kind of red sauce, with floating things and maybe some meat? haha
The highlight of my week was Fanny. We don't really know why
she's living with who she is but it's great cause she's a member!
they're not related at all so she's probably just renting. Ok so she's
not only a member, she is a HUGE influence and has been testifying of
the truth ever since fanny moved in. We went over for dinner and shared
a great spiritually thought with both of them, introduced the book of
Mormon, and made a return appointment. which we than shared the
restoration with her and she committed to baptism if she finds out its
true. I was stoked! This was my first LEGIT Lesson. Yah took long
enough but I am very grateful that the time has arrived:) my companion
brought me down from cloud nine to let me know that in order to
officially recognize her as On Date we have to commit her about 10 more
times. Hispanic culture, can't keep commitments very easily I guess.
Bummer. I really see massive potential in her, she is adorable and her
smile lights up a room. She would be the best nursery leader:) We'll
see her again this week, and I'm sure excited! What I love most about
this area is how everyone recognizes that there is a God. Everyone I've
met is very spiritual. They love us singing to them and even if they
aren't completely interested in a new religion they love learning about
Christ and talking religion. Just my Teaspoon taste of what lies ahead
in Argentina I guess. Lot's of Catholics, even if it's just a title for
them. I do love the laid back culture to an extent though. Everyone I
see (that's female) kisses my cheek, and gives me an icy water bottle.
and yes I am considered tall.
My first week in Spanish is pretty much what I expected? I
didn't understand anything but a word here and there, which would make
me super excited until I realized it didn't help me understand the
conversation at all. I just fed off my companion and if she was
smiling, I would. If she was serious, I was. everyone talks so fast,
and has different accents it's hard to pick up the gist of any
conversations. Correction my companion has been out for 15 months. So
she has the language down, sometimes it's hard cause she doesn't want to
focus on language study and doesn't exactly answer my questions about
the language.. She's probably frustrated that I know to little, who
knows. I'm on my own for this language, but I have 16 months so I'm not
giving up:) I do love my new area and love having church in Spanish,
the work here progresses so much quicker and i'm starting to actually
utilize lessons and focusing on investigators needs. It's GREAT! now
into my second week.... ONWARD AND UPWARD! Thanks for the letters and
emails, they bring sunshine into a muggy cloudy world. Seattle spit is
what some people call it, cause sometimes it doesn't actually rain but
you still get wet.
Dad I loved your analogy of our good old roof at home and the gospel... I might have to use that in some lessons:)
I do know Adelide Christensen.. We graduated the same year at Olympus.
She was always very nice and friendly. We talked a couple times in
classes, but never were in the same friend group. Morg told me she was
moving in a couple down from her... haha that's funny, I wish so badly
that I could go see Mia at the airport but it's not close by and it's
been vetoed before even getting the the president. That's really cool
that he knows the family though! i'll have to bring it up when I see
him. I wish missions weren't so strict so I could say goodbye to her
and wish her luck.... If you end up seeing her let her know I love her
and she's going to love being a missionary! it's right up her alley
(hahaha ok copeside...) I don't know about a blog but i'll look into
it! We get weekly newsletters maybe i'll just start forwarding those to
"First stop, Cougar mountain. a crazy family we visit puts sparkly eyes on the cougars. they think they're hilarious"
"Second. Goes along with my family history, companion miracle." |
Thanks for the package and adorable picture!!! YAHOO!! something new to wear and a fun activity! Mom you're the best!" |
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