week was a bit loco and we will just jump right in... last week when
writting you we got the transfer calls. my comp was headed off to her
next new adventure... we left a day early so I could go on my first day
tour. We spent the last hours in our area saying goodbyes, running
around like the chickens, but luckily they still have their heads... and
Well naturally buying icecream, you know me when there is a promotion I
go for it. A coupon on icecream? sure I will buy two kilos even if its
way to much for our freezer to handle... COUPON SHOPPER FOR LIFE!
I was off to the airport with the assistants to the presdient and we
picked up three newbies fresh out of the ccm! it was too great to see
their faces and hear their silly spanish. and too think that that
plastered terrified expression on their face was mine. We headed to the
temple and after a quick tour of down town buenos aires... One elder
Talked off the president and hermanas ears with question and I think for
two seconds I understood how dad feels... but then I just laughed about
all the hilarious comments and questions they had... ¨is there a lot of
mud in argentina... what do we do if there is mud¨ ¨can we walk the
world cup?¨ and one elder is from somem podunk town in utah and has the
thickest accent of who knows what... red kneck.. I hope it comes
through with his spanish!! ¨the first thing I am doing is buying cowboy
boots... This city and I just dont get along¨ We are quite good friends
him and I. AFter we headed to the park where southern argentina was
dedicated for missmionary work. The exact spot in 1925 by elder ballard.
(if you go on the blog there is a picture of us with a log.. its this!)
just this past december, argentina as a country was set apart as
sacred land and the grandson of Elder ballard had the privelege of doing
so. although only about 50 people knew about it at the time. IT was
the best part of the tour, It brought the spirit procecy became a
reality for me as I went back and read the dedicatory prayer after the
tour. ¨¨Argentina is a land far awawy our home in the mountains, but in
a country that has been called a part of ZIon...¨ Pour thy spirit unto
their heartsñ so that they can receive us as true messengers of God.
Help us to work in the same spirit which he did0him that loved man such
that he died for them.. We are grateful to be the delieveres of the
good news to theo people of the nations of south america.¨ Just like
elder ballard prophised, the work here in south america isnt fast. it is
at a slower rate than other places where missionary work is present,
but it is also becoming strong and lasting and that is what is
important. My challenge for all my argentina loving family and friends
is too read the prayer. After we headed off to lunch, I have never
eated out in argentina. Hermana carter sat by me (only females) and I
was sure luckily because she started telling me what to get.. haha So
everyone is drinking water and I have some fruit smoothie.. BONUS
PÔINTS! she also bought me a argentina sun knecklace. Well every elder
on the table got a huge steak sandwich so naturally I joined in too. I
can handle it, and devored it. Yum! after we watched a video on our
mission and went over why its the best mission in the world... We had a
mini testimony meeting, inj which I shared how my purpose as a
missionary has changed from the first day to 11 months and how everyday
I am becoming a true disciple of Christ. It was A really great day.
Hermana Tellez and I spent our last nighth together
walking down memory lane with a few... or may a lot of tears. I will
sure miss her... I dont like this part of the mission. you cant just
take away my other half like that!!! We spent the night with the family
ashton and played some church approved games... oh how I was tempted
for a deck of cards... The next day... TRANSFERS!!
Alright druuuuuum rooooll!!! My comp is Hermana
Passos! where do you think she is from? Well I just know on of you is
going to do a 5 second dance of excitement. thats right bubbus, she is
from brazil (rio). She is great and I just know we will work hard
together (editor's note: Brazilian make the BEST companions). She was exausted with the trip out and is nothing but city, I
am working on getting her good and dirty out here in ithe country side.
We spent our first hours reminding how to ride a bike and to break.
Good thing she has a helmet! She has six months in the mission. Our
zone is completely different, but thats okay I love it equal! Once
again we worked very hard with only three days back in our area... Sunday came around and we still lacked 50 street contacts, good thing it was 25 de mayo in 25 de mayo!
A new transfer, New opportunties, and this week we
are working on the marriage proccess with two families! please keep
Gabriela y diego in your prayers as well as Simon and Monica! FAMILES
Love you and thank you for prayers!
HAPPY 25 DE MAYO, en 25 DE MAYO!!!
Editor's addition: I don't always stalk Hermana Alley online but when I do....
Photos from the tour with President and the new missionaries/Transfers
Zone conference and Sisters Conferences:
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