so on this weeks
episode of ¨what did hermana alley eat this week¨ I would like you all
to think back to some very cherished moments I had with two furry
animals named twitchel and nibbles... Yes that is right I was fed rabbit
this week... I about died just thinking of the poor things. Sure the
meat was softer than chicken but you the meat still had the soft fur of
the poor innocent creatures. Two times eating rabbit in the same week
and I teared up on the first bite. It was a tough one for me but I made
it through!
we had a reunion with our zones of chilvicoy north and south. It was
just fantastic as always, our new assistants are my old zone leaders so
that makes things just a hoot. We talked about alma 47. The story to
refresh your minds is that Amalickiah is trying to overthrough the
kingdom, anyways he is trying to persuade the leader Lehonti to come
down to the foot of the mountain. the first verses shows how he was
very strongwilled and determined but as we keep reading every verse he
gets weaker and weaker, and after about 5 or 6 times, lelhonti comes
down from the mountain and is killed with poison. It was such a small
example and we only touched it in tihe meeting- However during my
personal study today I thought about it even more. small things ready
lead up to big and if we arent careful we will slowly and surely be
weakened without knowing it. I thought of some examples, sthe first
thing that popped into my head was martin harris and the pages of the
book of mor mon. how many times did Jospeh smith have to ask the Lord
with the same answer. and look what ended up happening. I also thought
of a cake. if you add a little big extra salt it wont make a huge
difference, maybe add a little bit more, but after A while your cake
isnt going to turn out right and its too a late to take out the salt.
instead you have to start completely over. ok ok one more example, if
you put a frog in a boiling pot of water it is going to jump out
instantly. but if you put a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly bring
it to a boil it will die without knowing it. These can all be so
easily related to the mission and normal life. for example,
obedience... those little things really can add up and before you know
it you arent worthy to receive all the blesings or miracles waiting for
you, ¨¨dont believe me aske the dishes¨ or maybe you are only studying a
little bit for your investigatores, after all you have an hour. but
little by little you realze you dont have enough time to fully prepare
yourself for the day spiritually and we all know that we have to feast
on eht words before the spirit will help us out. we cant just snack on
them and expect the rest to come easily.