Well this week was strange.
haha we went from some really great moments and some not to great. I
became nurse for my sick flu companion and tackling the puke with
salteen crackers and sprite. I think I counted nine bathroom runs in
one night... poor thing. I have never prayed so hard for my health!
haha but she is quite the trooper and we only stopped working for two
hours. atta girl, go fight win!
The best part
of the week was halloween. I spent over the week four hours of coloring
and trying to be creative to throw together a halloween experiecne just
like in the states. after convincing people to not freak out over what
halloween is and just come for candy and dress up, we had a great turn
out! we had about 8 people we arent members come and they all loved it!
we also had a great turn out with less actives. WE played all the
classics.. musical pumpkins, pin the tag on the missioanry. bobbing for
oranges (they were cheaper...haha), torta fritas on a string, limbo (a
little secret i won... hehe turns out our branch is less flexible than
me) , fishing for treats, and a little bit of spooky dance off. my comp
and I went as hippies, tuned down as much as we can but still out of
the skirit ;) it was super fun and we have just been assigned to do the
next upcoming activity of a talent show. I am stoked.
and now for the more spiritual part of my week...
and now for the more spiritual part of my week...
Just like the account of the first vision or moses or Jesus Christ
himself all of us ahve had or will have an occasion or one similar where
we are face tgo face with our worst enemy satan right before something
great and marvillosa happens. almost always along the line great
spritual momenots can be followed by some adversity and oppostion.
usually when we have to make the most difficult step or important
decision in our lifes. one of mine, durning my setting aprat to be a
missionay I remember at the begining of the prayer I felt horrible.
super dizzy and stick to my stomoach. something kept telling me that
this wasnt right, that I chose wrong. after the prayer I felt 100
percent better. I think that was one of those moments. In the mission I
have also experienced the lowest of lows right before conferences,
baptisms or interviews where teh spirit is always super strong. I have
also witenessed it in other peopole. it is almost always impossible
retulling the first vision without interruption.
seatlle I remember warning a soon to be convert of the possible firy
darts that would caome her way the week before her baptism., I have to
laugh retelling teh strory now because she became so worried that when a
stranger walked up to her in the market a day before her baptism that
she said ¨get thee hence, satan!¨quoting that great scripture. jaja
but she is a great example to all of us. We cant ever let our guard
down. This week we had the baptism of our dear abuela elida. she has
been waiting weeks but things just kept coming up. well we set her date
in stone, the first of november at seven. Well hours before she had to
go to othe hospital for heart problems. we hurried to her side. the
poor thing wasnt feeling to great but we made the promise that all would
run smoothly and she would feel ike new after. right after she came up
from toeh water she said ¨well I am clean to the soul.¨ haha and she
was so happy and content after. it was a miracle.
like Jeffrey R holland stated ¨dont assume that a great revelatjion,
some marvelous, illuminating moment , the opening of an inspired path is
the end of it. remember, IT ISNT OVER UNTIL IT IS OVER.¨
it is tough before someone joins the churhc, its hard while they are in
the process of being a member, it is tough after they join and it is
tough until we die. thats how it has always been and will forever be but
that doesnt mean we draw back, retreat, and run away squeeling. We
cant lose our sconfidence in our father and his SOn. especially we cant
forget our experiences and the tesimonies we already have.
Hebrew 10
call to rememberance the former days, after ye were illuminated ye
endured a great fight of afflictions. cast not away your confidence,
which hath great recompence your reward. for ye have need of patience.
that , af ter ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the
promise. we are not of them who draw back unto perdition.
Love you all, and here is to my last transfer.
hermana alley
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