Tuesday, December 9, 2014

laboring in the white field

when reading a parable this morning I couldnt hel but apply it to my mission, hola that is what i have been called to do, learn apply it and rock it.   anways the parable of the house holder goes a little like this.  the house keeper goes out to hire workers.  he brings the first group in at six in the morning, throughout the day he continually brings in more until the last group works for an hour and they all finish at five oclock.  when they all gather for their days work and to receive their pay, surprisingly they all received the same.  inmediateyl those hired first were angry ¨these last have wrought but one hour and thou hast made them equal to us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.¨

when applying this to mjissionaries, I think its very common that we find ourselves in a similar situation, for example we aere missionaries for twenty four hours but of that time how much of us are really giving a hard, dedicated, obedient work.  there has been days after giving it all, I wonder why I havent received the satisfaction or blessing of other days where I have worked less or recieved more.  Or looded at other companions who dont seem as focuesed as me but are having way more success. or maybe compare myeslef with other missionaries, those who are young in the imission and ahve become leaders.  I while back I thought ot myself of a bit of a faitler.  I didnt understand why I had never become an hermana leader or why I had never trained.  Whad did I lack?  I compared my wage to my sisters mission where she did both from and early stage, so I found myself feeling a bit low.  however what I have learned from this parable and my personal experience is taht the housekeeper or God doesnt treat us unfairly.  the promise is that if we go out and preach his word he wil be with us ad give us succes, he doesnt give us a detailed contract with what type of success it will be.  I received the biggest blessing or wage by spending almost 11 months of the 15 I had here in argentina in campo in the same zone.  When we recently had a zone conference with the members of the district, it was the biggest family lreunion for me and I knew almost every single person there.  I have learned taht comparing missiony and success is imposible as your cant measuere someones conversion or blessings.  SO many are soaked up in who we are and I believe one hundred prect that the lord has given us all the same in one way or anoterh.  I love getting together as a mision because we cant help but become big old chatter boxes.  I givvle endlessly a we share common related storeis and memories.  When we left to serve missions we all agreed on the same wage and circumstances.  we were very happy to put in the work, and we have been paid in full. now the key for me is to take my pay and enjoy the blessings. 

Monday, December 1, 2014


¨I dont do anything for fun, rather I have fun in everything I do¨ Dallin Oaks.   before the mission everyone and their dog asked me how i felt about leaving. my common response ¨¨I am so excited, its going to be so much fun!¨ I received the common laughs from it, oh yah ¨¨fun¨ missionary work.  they all kind of smiled at me with that oh you are so young and innocent and have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Well they are absolutely right I had no idea what I signed up for but those of you who dint think its fun are surely mistaken or you are not doing it right.  because its about the best thing ever.  when asked the common question äre you ready to leave?¨ I would then go onto explain that no, I wasn't. but I was planning on giving it my all, and that if I could just find one person to convert I would be content, just one, you all know that common scripture.

¨Labor all your days crying repentance unto this (argentine) people and bring save it be one soul unto me how great shall be your joy. .. but how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.¨ 

well little did I know that the first soul came almost as a buy one get one free deal.  when I signed up for a mission, i signed up to become converted.  I think I got the discount, don't you?  my small testimony has been stretsched, twisted, pulled, cut, shaped, sclupted, strutchered, hammered, plasterd, polished and refined.  before what i knew was more of what i hoped to be true and now that I believe is who I am and what I do.  so therefore my joy is already full for that ONE SOUL.  heavenly father just put the that scripture in for kicks and giggles.    really to me its pretty much giving us a preview to the a mission filled with lots of joy because we already have the one and after our responsibility is to saving of the others. at this point I am more focused on holding onto that joy.  not just a sugar rush of joy and than a crash after to nothing but a steady constant joy.  we dont just give people a taste of heaven and than send them on their way.  we need to bring it he souls unto Him and keep them there, always looking for second helpings or more spiritual experience.  I can better apply my  thoughts to the talk by elder holland.  He goes on to explain what it would be like to be an apostle right after christ died and their thought process... it would be something like this...  maybe coming from the mouth of paul...