¨Labor all your
days crying repentance unto this (argentine) people and bring save it be
one soul unto me how great shall be your joy. .. but how great will be
your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.¨
little did I know that the first soul came almost as a buy one get one
free deal. when I signed up for a mission, i signed up to become
converted. I think I got the discount, don't you? my small testimony
has been stretsched, twisted, pulled, cut, shaped, sclupted,
strutchered, hammered, plasterd, polished and refined. before what i
knew was more of what i hoped to be true and now that I believe is who I
am and what I do. so therefore my joy is already full for that ONE
SOUL. heavenly father just put the that scripture in for kicks and
giggles. really to me its pretty much giving us a preview to the a
mission filled with lots of joy because we already have the one and
after our responsibility is to saving of the others. at this point I am
more focused on holding onto that joy. not just a sugar rush of joy and
than a crash after to nothing but a steady constant joy. we dont just
give people a taste of heaven and than send them on their way. we need
to bring it he souls unto Him and keep them there, always looking for
second helpings or more spiritual experience. I can better apply my
thoughts to the talk by elder holland. He goes on to explain what it
would be like to be an apostle right after christ died and their thought
process... it would be something like this... maybe coming from the
mouth of paul...
¨¨well breatheren, its been a
glorious three years. none of us could have ever imagined such a few
short months ago and the miracles we have seen and the divinity we have
enjoyed. we have talked with, prayed with, and labored with the SON of
God. We have walked with hjim, wept with him and on that night of the
horrible ending no one wept more bitterly than I. but it is ove, he
has finished his work and he is risen. he has worked out his salavation
and ours. so maybe you ask now ¨what are we to do.¨ I dont know more
thant to tell you to return to your former life, rejoicing. for me I
intend to go fishing.¨¨ Elder holland than explains how the apostles
would than leave to fish, and meanwhile the ressurect Christ would
return, and visit them on the boat, but responding something like this
¨why are you here with the same nets, doing the same as before. I called
you not to be fishers but disciples. I didn't just need you then but I
need you now and forever. I need you to save my lambs, preach my gospel
and truly love me. its not a feeble message or a fleeting task and its
not just history, I am asking you to leave all this behind and teach
and testify and labor and serve loyally forever.¨
week we worked our hearts out with one particular inactive. I dont
remember if I have mentioned him to you before, I believe so, his name
is Toni. and he his devorced from his temple marriage. an ex missionary
and ex president of the rama. well he has a lot of doubt, and one
thing led to the other and his testimony has gone right about into its
shell. We have so much faith in him. I know that he can remember and
feel what he did before. We visted him and gave him the assignments of
reading his missioanry journal everyday and some special talks. Well he
made some changes during the week, bought a new set of slacks, and for
the first time in years, CAME TO CHURCH! with his son and two daughters
that dont live here but with the mom. I cant imagine the humility and
courage he had to show to get up and make the decison. as I sat there in
the renunion sacramental in walked some other less actives we are
working with that havent been in soo long. and to finish it off we had a
progressing investigator who is increiddlbe join us. The talks were
just incredible and I ended up lettings some tears go down my cheak as I
was overwhelmed with peace and love for these people who are putting in
pratice the atonement better than I am.
call we have for these less actives, non members and soon a certain ex
missionary who will be left un mentioned is ¨the call is to come back,
to stay true, to love God and to lend a hand.¨ for examplle when we
baptize we change lives forever, but surely we are changed forever as
well in the process. I know that the work was not killed simply buy
killing our savior JesuChristo. But that it continues today, and that
he lives to help us along the way. Elder Holland puts it perfectly when
he sasys ¨the crownigh characteristic of love is always loyalty.¨ Every
moment here I am cherishing, every person I talk to I cant help but
smile. there isnt enough mintues in the day to get evereything done I
have in my agenda, running isnt fast enough. 9 de julio is blooming in
miracles, these people are so prepared and one dayvery soon we will have
a Capilla. The best thing in the world is to see someone light up when
they feel the spirit.
This week I went on
divisions with the hermana leaders, I will be honest didnt want to leave
my area, because i love it and I want to soak it all up. I left for
junin, its bigger than hear, too many people for my liking. haha but it
was a good old time. ahuge blessing was saturday.
it was raining cats and dogs so we decided to hang out under a tree for
a few mintues, there is nothing like riding around in a bike helpless
from the rain. the helmets just arent sufficient protection sometimes.
when out comes a chicka 25 yearsold or something like that. well she
offers us to come insided. boom! okay sure, why not, well turnsout its a
food bank for a grouipo of 10 kids that have little to nothing. we got
to help out and I fell in love with them as we played together and made
ballon paper machae (no idea how to spell it). It was so great,
nothing like walking into service. hey, just so you remember I love
being a missioanry.
so If we love our Savior
JesuChrist, we will never look backuntil his work is finished and the
love of God and neigbors rules the world. Lets get rolling!
Hermana Alley
okay one more thing... there are two new laws here... get
this the first one is that you only need one person of a marriage to
get devorsed.. so in other words. I dont like that guy anymore, I get divorced and he stays married to me while I am considered single.
because that makes since. but hey helps us with baptisms and the law of
chastity.... second, retired people who have worked their whole lifes
get about 23 thousand pesos everyone month to live on, while those who
are titled gay get almost 50 thousand. just for there title. cause that
makes more sense? thought you'd enjoy the government...

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