TODAY. BABY LEAH! for the past week every single night without fail i
have had a dream of the little angel... and it his been so long waiting.
I woke up at five ready to come to the cyber... all you missionaries
know that sleep is sacred. yet I wanted to give it up, for her it is
worth it... to bad i had to wait until now. well I had a pretty normal
week, this upcoming is transfers so we will see where the wind blows me.
my companion is convinced she is leaving since she has been here for 7
months. so i am guessing the same for me here in haedo with a new comp.
we will see! since not much happened this week i want to share an
experience for my personal study,
one day in personal study which is literally the best time of
the day and one hour is never enough. I decided to do an activity in the
good old preach my gospel. it asks us to read John 15.1-6 and I was
blown away by this set of scriptures, they hit me like wreck it ralf.
First off with verse number five. "without me you can do nothing". in
this parable Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Just like a
vine is the center core for nutritionment and supples everything with
what we need, so should be Christ. In the center of our LIfes, the very
core. especially in missionary work. How can I ever expect to get
anything done without crediting my Savior... I CANT! and I sadly have
to admit that somedays I am only fueling on hermana alley power which in
reality is just an endurance test. just like elder holland always says
"this is not our work, it is His." naturally we then we should do it
with his help and guidance. In verse number nine "so have I loved you,
continue ye in my love." well everyone loves to be loved. and its not
very often in the scriptures when these three words together are
directly pointed at the reader. I tell people everyday their father in
heaven loves them but then sometimes I "forget" or really just dont pay
much attention to it. Hello he loves me and he loves you. and He is
constantly telling us.. sometimes we just become preoccupoied with other
things. Just like my grand-ole mamma at home, when everyday
afterschool she would ask me how my day was and tell me that she loved
me. My response, "yah mom I know" then go back to watching the tv. I
always know that I am loved deep down but when we really do listen not
to the words but the meaning behind them "I love you" becomes an
entirely different emotion. Sincere and forever. Enough that our Savior
would lay down his life for us FOR US, and eough that a loving mom and
dad give up their desires for their kids, dedicating all their time and
energy to the bnefit and love for their kids. Now it only gets better in
verses 13, 14, 15, 16... this is where it really blew my mind. "I call
you not servantsñ for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doethñ but I
have called you friends." we arent servants of the Lord, we are friends
of the Lord. Think about it. bloooown away. every word that comes to
my mind with servant is negative, its just a negative tone. Think of
history of the world, yup negative. yes it is true we all have a gift
that we can never repay, but servants is not entirely a choice and we
have more than a choice. We have been given complete freedom, agency to
chose was the whole point of being here. No we arent his servants we
are HIS AMIGOS! True friends are always there for eachother and know
eachother inside and out. We know what they feel with out them having
to say a word, we are willing to give ourselves because of love no other
reason. it makes so much more sense, means so much more. I would do
anything for my friends and I will do anything for my brother the
Savior. I am His friend, and everday it is a blesssing a special gift
to put on a name tag that represtents my family"s name and Jesus
Christ"s. The two most precious and eternal gifts of my life. I love
the scriptures, thank you John!! and I love this gospel and am grateful
for every second that I am able to find more treasures in it, to have my
testimony sky rocket upwards, and to really be put through the refiners
fire- to not just say I believe but to really believe. I love my
eternal family and I love Christ "my vine" who has chosen me (in my mind
just an ordinary branch) to bring people the fruits of this gospel. In
the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
Le quiero muchos! como muchos!
Un brazo muy fuerte
hermana ALLEY!!!
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