Monday, January 27, 2014

Another Week in the Fields!

"the Capilla!!"
Editor's Note: mom, that means "The Chapel"
Hello and good afternoon family the weather wind has slown down here and after some crazy storm the air is nice and fresco! thats right we are enjoying a little break from the heat that makes it hard to breathe!  and wow is 25 de mayo looking good these days, or maybe its the same just a missionary perspective!  I think that might be it... as you well know that blessed time of the year in south america has come around when everyone fiestas in CORSO (CARNIVAL for bubbus) thats right every saturday night for the next three months... lots of feathers and lack of clothingn and A lot of problems with the commandment we love , the Word of wisdom. THis blessed fesitvial starts around 10 and goes until about 3.  keep in mind this is  saturday night, so when 9 o clock church rolls around our little rama suddenly is smaller and has nothing but zomblies groaning around.  the Four confimred forsure going to make it to church slept. Thats right they coundnt make it after all. People here need sleep, more than chruch sometimes and for that reason I was a sad missionary for a day...  THis is the one time I despise a fiesta.  its ok though... only two and a half more months... GRRR
there was a super happy momoent in church yesterday though, Last week I helped out in the primary and taught the 10 commandments with had motions, the crowd went wild, and I have been asked to be assistant to the primary president. So she takes the first hour during relief society hour and I take the second durning sunday school. That is correct, I get to spend every sunday with the most adorable group of hoodllums that range from 1-12. It is so FUN!  No judgement just lots of giggles, I couldnt be happier with my calling.  

This week we had tons and tons of lessons, the great thing about campo is people love to visit with you and the great thing about Argentina is religion is an every day topic. there is a lot of religions here and I haven't gotten the haedo response of aethesim once here.   But of course you do get your strong hard core priests and preachers. if that isnt the story of my mission.  Liliana and Alfredo are incredible individuals but very strong in their religion.  They wanted to learn more of ours before completely shutting us down though, which is quite thoughtful.  They came to our Wednesday night activity of Family home evening. Where we discussed the Holy Ghost in our lives. Hit the ball our of the park it was so great. They left super satisfied and happy.  Our lesson on friday with them was in our minds going to be similar. they sat us down had crackers and juice and then a prayer was offered.  After alfredo whips out a book entitled "the way" which describes every major religions beliefs and of course the errores of their ways.  THe major turning poiints for this family was the book of mormon, Temple work for the dead, and how we are The true church with restored priesthood power.  Usually by this point my heart has stopped beating and I start sweating, but for them I was as calm summers day.  They arent my first, fourth I believe?  Listen, we cant convert anyone ok, nor is that our purpose. ONly the Spirit can do that.  So every firey dart they threw at us we glided back at them with patience and our testimonies, which is very hard to do.  We left with a return appointment, but who knows what to expect.  They are wonderful people, and someday with be great mormons :) just dont know if their time is right now.  

We did a service project again...  MOre like extreme make over home addition has we flipped a house upside down to clean black into white. Yup spiders here are gigantic...  just looking at me they won the battle.  yuck. the elders took the over grown shrubs in the back with only a weed hacker, axe, and masqueti (yup no idea how to spell that...)  Which made me nervous cause I didnt want them to reenact "the other side of heaven". Just ladies took care of the inside, and I must say we did a mighty fine job.  Service is fun, expecially cause we got to where pants while riding our bikes and I have never felt more alive! haha cant ride side sattle on a bike, and when in a skirt its very difficult to keep modest!  
This week was great and we saw a lot of success. the Hardest thing for us right now is reenactivation and member lessons. Since there are 6 missionaries and a very small branch.  But we have the faith and we are going to give our all.  Considering missionaries havent been here for all that long, we have come a long way and have a ways to go!  I love my little pueblo, sometimes miss people but the cows and dogs are good company.  

We get a little extra free time here which is great for studying!  I love the  scriptures, and ensigns, and church videos, and praying, and well total. Yes call me a missionary :)  


I am famous because I can make brownies... its great!  My comp and I are the same person, just different heights and colors. but seriously we like the same things, have the sme amount of sibblings. she also has girl nights with her 3 other sisters, she doesnt like justin bieber or taylor swift, and we are both obsessed with popcorn. I have met my soul sister. 

"service with hector.."

"my new class!!!"

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