Monday, October 27, 2014

Feeling hot hot hot

hello.  I am so hot... the sun came out and I think it is closer to argentina than any other part of the world.  things are cooking up and faaaast.  I have already become best friends with Lilianna.  She is our fan, and I dont think I ever stop sweating.  Its just a jolly old time! but anyways thats just a side note, now for all the good details of the week.
well this week was opposite of the last.  Some weeks its like the whole world has changed into a dream wonder land and people joyingful let you into their house, and then other weeks everyone just sleeps or is too hot to move and open the door to even talk to the missionaries.  but thats ok, because we managed anyways.  Like I mentioned with the pictures we did a service project for bartolo.  I loved it because if you would have seen the place before and after, its a master piece.  I have decided I like fixing things up.  everyone here built their own house and have everything to live.  they depend on themsevles, as they have their own gardens, chickens, and they do stuff the old fashioned way, not using all the convient and super up to date equiptment that saves time and energy for us in the states. however I feel like everything we do is so much more out of the heart and effective. for example after getting only slightly sunburned all I had to do was go oever to the nearest plant , cut off a piece and rub the green goo on my skin and walla. I am all good.  and who needs to buy tea when you have the bush, why would you go to the market when you have lemons off the nearest tree to spice up your salad.  Dad I think you should consider extending the garden.  Love the salsa but we could use some  fruit trees and medicine plants as well! they come in handy!

"helping bartolo. we had three of these piles of branches and parts of trees.  we did some good old hard labor.  He reminds me a lot of dad because he always has a project going on, and we always invite ourselves to help him out.. I felt a little bite like tarzan mixed with an axe man throughout the process.  it is getting super hot here and lots of SUNSHINE.  bartolo also sings tango and made up a song for me.  he surprised me and made me stand on the other side of this window so he could sing to me with this fake guitar.. he´s got my heart.  haha great service project."

This week I decided to take a vacation for half a day... okay okay it was a road trip.  I packed up my fanny pack and pulled out my cien ciens to head off to 25 de mayo.. that is right you heard correctly. last week I asked president for permission to head back to the baptism of part of my family.  Gabriela was going to get baptized and I dont know if i told you but she is PREGNANT!  how adorable is that. I already told her I had revelation for what she is going to name her.... hermana alley... haha My comp and I arrived a little bit early to surprise all of the members and especially gabreila and diego who had no idea I was coming.  It was the best moment.  all of teh members gave me a big group hug and it was like being welcomed home.  They caught me up on all the great things that are happening and before I knew it the service had begun and ended, very smoothly spirit filled and I had to say goodbyes again.  I absoltuely loved seeing so many of my kindred spirits but thank goodness it wasnt goodbye bye as we ahve a conference coming up and if I say in the area

Monday, October 20, 2014

laugh because you can

Shall we start out with a smile this morning... first off I will try telling them in english... however they are a lot better in castellano. and some cant be transladted so you will just have to ask stephen to help you out...

Who was the first prophet to have a car?   David because he had a honda (ok folks honda in spanish is sling..hahhaaha)

second, Que tiene que ver una vava con un argentino?  Una vava da leche y un argentina dice DALE CHE!  hahahahahahahahahahahaha

there are three people on an airplane.  all of which think they know it all, one french, one american and one argentine. First the french, being stuck up says ¨look I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to France¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know?  ¨because I just touched the effel tower!!    the american says that he can to the exact same. ¨look I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to united states¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know?  ¨because I just touched the statue of liberty.  so the argentine says welllook I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to ärgentina¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know, because you touched the tower of san martin?  NOpe because I just got my watch stolen...¨ hahahaha 

alright I hope you are all laughing now because I sure am!!! 

quick potty break.... I know the laughter is unbearable..

"haha beautiful view!"

"divisiones con las hermanas de junin, opps i am writting in castellano... we had spilts with four other americans!  way too much fun. probably should have been illegal."

Ok LISTOS!  this week was just fantastic!  we started out strong and ended strong with 12 new people to teach for this week, RECORD!  we saw so many miracles, you think our meter would say OVERLOAD.  first off we did divisions with the sisters from junin.  That was fun because they both came to our area and I realized how much more we would do if we were two more!  I split with hermana gerber. she has 9 months in the mission.  durning lunch my comp and I cooked up QUISO!  it was soooo good and spinach scones and sugar cookies. we spoiled the sisters pretty much.  we had a picnic out on our pourch and enjoyed the time together, we  than al slept in the same room that night and it was just a big fiesta.  

wE found a family while we were out and about working and they have five kids, are married, and cried during the restoration. they are priceless and are on date.the only problem is that Mr. Hueso is a tattoo artist, and has been for 40 years.  BUT I have HOPE!   Elida is also a huge miracle as we have plans for her baptism this week.  She is adorable. when we talked to her this week about her baptism we asked her if she would continue praying about her date she responded ¨well of cource but I already know what God is going to say, because I have already receivied the answer.¨ we than asked her why she wanted to be baptized and she said, because its the true church and has the right baptizm.  she is a capa, responded the questions like an angel. haha  Ada is a super frail lady who was abandoned by her family and just needs some good mormon love.  She ahs a special place in my heart as we put her on date to be baptized and her only concern was getting her wig wet.  how tender is that.  I just love who we are working with right now, they are all worth gold. 

We had interviews with president this week and all is well, he started getting trunky on me and that I did not like, oh well what can you say I did just pass my two month mark. I came out pumped to not become anxious as december gets closer but to focus on my work and dedicate all of me, so if you could all do the same I would appreciate it.  If it werent for christmas I would ahve totally extended... so here is my rawling call... 


Really I need five hours to skim the details of the week but I think you get the gist of the best points.  two funny things happened this week. 

first the other day I went to take a drink out of my water bottle and fould that a leaf was in my mouth... gross. I go to take it out and it flys out instead... yes it was a fliying baby cochroch... in my mouth.... NASTY and I almost ate it!

second the other day we are studying in our appartement and we hear someone trying to break into our apprrtment... no really?  we look at teh door and the keys are shaking and the door handle moving... panic mood what do we do.  My comp looks through the peep whole and comes running away.  There is someone!  so we run outside on the poarch and start running around in circles, naturally first reaction. but wait, if they come in than we will just be surround and stuck out here.  so I grab the broom and run like a warrior, ready for the door to open.  but maybe they just dont know we are here. So then I start belting so they know we are... singing who knows waht haha well turns out that the scary man my comp saw through the peep hole trying to break in was just a little old grandma lost in our building.  haha but hey I was well armed and ready. and had a good laugh. dont trust in your short companions.. moral of the story.  

well ahve a wonderful week and enjoy the life we are given cause its the best. to bad you are not all in argetinia, because this place just calls for a good time.  Love you

hermana alley 

More pictures! Yay! 

(Okay so a certain editor was possibly not feeling just two pictures in this post and did some online stalking to find the rest. You're welcome) 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Libro De Mormon

Well this week folks was a week in the mission... are you surprised?  I thought about taking a vacation to the nearest provencia but then decided I would keep working here in 9 de julio with my comp hermana hALE. Who has the same name as me.  I guess I will start out by letting you all know that president is fine.  The whole stroy that got out into the news was true, but blown out of porportion. President told the zone leaders that it was really quite calm and that while he was with the guys he was using his phone to call his family. We all got a list of segurity guidelines (for moms heart) and we are all being extra careful (I am in campo mom, nothing happens here).  So all is well!

I heard great news this week on two different areas!  My investigatores Gabriela in 25 de mayo is getting baptized the end of this month!!! Do you hear the hallejuela bells chimming cause I do!  and this past week our investigator, Priscila (hermana davis and I) in casseros was baptized!  I am so happy to know that the missionaries are working hard on helping these people I love become members.  yahoo yippee!  I wish I could see all my areas progress, be there and here in the same time.  I had a moment this week as I thought about some of the people I really love here, four of my conversos are grandpas... I cant imagine the thought of not seeing them again and if I do get the chance to return one day and not having them be around anymore... They are so wonderful and I have all adopted them into my family tree!  it was a hard moment.  Why is it so easy to get attached to these jems of people. Argentinos son los mejores! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Be happy... NOW

Feliz cumple this week graham!!!

like you all now, last monday I was writting you from within the pueblo of bragado for a zone activity. well that evening we headed back to 9 de julio just to work a good old 2 hours sleep 8 and head back out for a zone meeting.  This months meeting was focused on having a good attitude at the center of our missions, and how everything really extendes out from that until you make your mission a sacred one and end up enjoying it but also doing what you were called to do.  I feel like it was exactly what I needed to boost me up and get me going, and stop slugging around going through the motions of once again getting comfortable.  My comp Hermana Hale is super spunky and bubbly and laughs at nothing... haha so that helps us have fun, just with her tennesse accent its difficult for people to understand her sometimes.  those southern bells... well I learned alot coming out of the reunion and decided once again I would make the decision to be Happy.  its true sometimes it feels like tkeh birds dont sing and the sund doesnt shine, yet in despite of discouragement and challenges I have learned that those who are happiest have a way of learningi from difficult times and in return become stronger, wiser, and happier as a result.  Its all in the way we approach it... our hardest times can be times of greatest growth.  Just think of the scriptures.... nefi, abraham, moises, Joseph SAmith... their adversity, make it or break it.  however they chose to let it polish them and refine their characters.  Really in this life we are given, we have a lot of choices. We have to make them and those that we chose make us who we are.  So in otherwords we dont sing because we are happy, but we are happy because we sing.  Everything thoughts with our thoughts, so if we determine to have a good attitude, it will become a behavior and that makes the results. so why would you not chose to be happy.  I have learned that our Heavenyl Father knows very well that I am not perfect... and here in the best mission in the World I have felt everyone of my weaknesses very strongly and have suffered through my imperfections, but as I have God has given me the comfort needed and as given me suggestions to where I need to improve.  and then when we have gone through the refiners fire, we realize that the whole experience has stretched our understanding, strengthens are attributos de Cristo and increases our compassion for others who feel the same way or soon will.  So to close this little side note I have a scripture... Proverbs 16:20  ¨he that handleth a matter wisely shall find goodñ and who so trusteth in the Lord, Happy he is.¨ In other words, bob marely wasnt the first to say ¨don¨t Happy¨.  Today make the decision.