heard great news this week on two different areas! My investigatores
Gabriela in 25 de mayo is getting baptized the end of this month!!! Do
you hear the hallejuela bells chimming cause I do! and this past week
our investigator, Priscila (hermana davis and I) in casseros was
baptized! I am so happy to know that the missionaries are working hard
on helping these people I love become members. yahoo yippee! I wish I
could see all my areas progress, be there and here in the same time. I
had a moment this week as I thought about some of the people I really
love here, four of my conversos are grandpas... I cant imagine the
thought of not seeing them again and if I do get the chance to return
one day and not having them be around anymore... They are so wonderful
and I have all adopted them into my family tree! it was a hard moment.
Why is it so easy to get attached to these jems of people. Argentinos
son los mejores! 
We did lots of random service
this week, but it was of course enjoyable.. We cut huge fields with
just weed wackers, picked up a pee size of the garbage that can be found
this county and I tackled some nasty spider nests. however in the
process I got flees... haha just call me a perro already. my legs were
covered, and than I rubbed off some of my flees on my companion...
sharing is caring! ;) I think it strengthened our relationship. but
dont worry, I talked to a member and everything is completely normal,
its common right? after a few days I am back to being human and rocking
the springtime sun.
I would like you to all
know how much I love the book of mormon now. It was the biggest drag to
read it before the mission. I will be completely honest I think I read
the whole thing through, front to back once before. Now I am obessed. I
almost get giddy to given an hour to study. It is never enough time.
as a mission we are focusing on using it and applying it more and I
have seen a huge change. its incredilbe how recently I find myself in
lessons applying what I read THAT day to our investigatores. and my
comp and I talk for hours on the book. youd think it was a best
sellar... oh wait it is! What I loved reading this week is found in 3
nefi 26:6,9 That not even a hunderedth part of the things that Jesus
taught are found in the book... THERE IS SO MUCH MORE! and that it is
expedient that we should show our faith and cherish what we have right
now in preparation for something bigger. that right now our test is to
see how we handle the scriptures that we have with our faith and works.
and then if we have completed and are showing our love for the words of
these prophets he will reveal to us more. So in other words, God is
full of wonderful surprises. Pretty sure everyone of us is underusing
the power that brings the book of mormon and not claiming enough of its
Well this sunday
we had 52 PEOPLE IN CHURCH!!! record! we are starting to talk about a
capilla, just like 25 de mayo! a lot of menos activos and inactivos.
its just as wonderful seeing someone coming to churhc the first time as
returning after years. three sibblings saw eachother in church after 2
years! it was pretty neat to see their faces gleam with excitement. and
this upcoming month we are preparing three converts to go through the
temple, two of which will be sealed! great things are happening folks!
goood times.
THis upcoming week we have
interviews with president and divisions and all that jazz, we will see
how it all goes! Have a fantastic week Family. and I love you!ç
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