Hey folks!!
sorry it's going to be a short
one, with it being a crazy week, ending with a wonderful temple trip,
there is little time to write. first off I guess I should say i'm
crying. Crying of joy because my biggest sis is having an adorable baby
girl. I bet everyone in this little library is confused as can be at
this girl who can both smile from ear to ear and have water works at the
same time. CONGRATS!!!! a million times over!!! And I just came from
the beautiful Seattle temple. It was perfect, and put my spirits in the
highest of places since being on the mission. Temples are incredible,
Every time I go in it's like spending time directly with my Father in
Heaven. He always confirms that he loves me so much. And I must say
the surprise was awesome, I am a huge fan and didn't see that coming!
Emotion is good. and Just a funny though on the side. Seattle looks
like the Garden of Eden and The lone and dreary world looks like home...
on Wednesday
we had a lesson with Bin Bin, (a potential investigator that came to
berry picking, mom to answer your question it was the relief society
activity that went berry picking, besides two potentials, quite the
success I must say! I loved your story. it is worth the labor! kind of
like a mission! if I didn't have need of this skirt for the next 16
months I might have filled it too:) ) we discussed with her that there
is a God, he's a loving heavenly father, and what role he plays in our
life's. I must say it's one of the hardest things for me to do...
explain God. IT's so obvious to me, i've always just known. So what
other way can you do it by testifying with family, especially birth, as
evidence that there is a God. And HE DOES LOVE US. and is with us
EVERY STEP of the way. It was perfect because we had the lesson with a
member family, and the adorable little six year old bore her testimony
on who Heavenly father was to her. I understand why we're so young out
here. The younger you are, the more simple the testimony, the more of
an impact it can have on someone. Children bring the spirit in point
two seconds. I was blown away by something so sweet. We also met two
potentials this week who both said they were looking to come closer to
Christ. um hello you definitely don't need to ask twice, we are here
signed, sealed delivered, yours! I had the opportunity to also go on
exchanges with the hermana's, one day surrounded by Spanish, it was a
big day! I loved it! but man I do not know the beautiful language...
luckily one of the men we taught was learning English so he totally
understood that I knew nothing. We just smiled back and forth at
each other and giggled. I'm going with them again this week for half a
day (YAHHOO!)

I'll have to write more next week i'm out of time. The temple
was worth it though, and will be for the eternities:) even if It takes
up emailing time with my family.... boooo. Pictures to come, you know
they say a 1000 words. consider this a long email.
So the one with the balloon. I went outside and
found my name with it.... You have no idea how excited I was... I legit
thought it was for me... oh and that's my companion in the back:)
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