Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Welcome to crazy!


where to start? the key board is different. that{s a good point. It will definitely take some getting used to... for you... heheh  um OK after i got off the phone with you i treated my companion to our last american feel, TGI Fridays.  we watched a beautiful sunset over the Dallas run way.  while waiting to board we talked to a man in Spanish who is from Argentina.  i got hermana and i so excited as he talked just like the Italians.  mamma mia and all.  wow is the Spanish different.  but he was so friendly it just made us that much more excited.  the flight wasn{t actually to bad.  other than it was a redye and it is so uncomfortable on an airplane.  but the hours flew by.  maybe because i didn't actually want to arrive that quickly,.  i knew once i did it was going to be loco.  well eventually we did land crazy as that is. after we watched the sun rise from our window as well. i fell asleep for a few hours but other than that pulled an all nighter doing little things to keep me busy.  ive never had dinner and breakfast on an airplane before. from there things just went insane.  culture shock after culture shock, look around and man nothing is like home.  obviously right i{m down south.  well since we were the last two arriving we didn{t get any of the training.  which i was fine with except the health and safety.  oops..  hermana and i were dropped off at the office, filled out some stuff and were allowed to bring a few things with us as we headed to a temporary two day area until transfers <today< i took my carry on with me which ended up being the worst decision in the world.   don{t ever want to hall that thing on cobble stone streets and on buses.  it didn't help that my companion walked speedily.  well things were crazy and I've blocked most emotions from my mind.  everything is foreign to me and i{m attempting to adapt quickly but wow it{s difficult.  everyone talks European but it is living in south america.  i take it back Seattle wasn't ghetto.  Argentina is crowded with people and the houses are practically on top of each other. i imagine it's very similar to Brazil as we clap at gates in order to get the people to come out.  for two days my temporary companion and i walked around and contacted practically all day.  Argentinians talk super fast and i have about .00002 seconds to get in what i have to say.  however everyone is pretty friendly.  kisses all around.  sometimes the men a little to friendly, yah there is no blonde hair here really. let{s just say its probably a good thing i don{t know what the men are saying, at least that's what my companion told me.  the past days have been difficult and i really am finding myself enduring. im sure itll get easier after a week... maybe.   today was transfer day, we woke us super early got on a bus and again headed to the office.  once arrived i received major relief as i was once again reunited with my ccm companions, millet, gardner, and redford,.  together forever we are the best of friends!  we also saw the elders from the district.  so after a lot of information for us newbies i received my real area and real companion.  she is from Uruguay and speaks only Spanish.  luckily we live with two other hermanas who speak more English. one is american.  <president carter doesn{t ever put Americans together. he think it just magnifies our weaknesses. so guess what folks.  no more English for me and i don{t have a choice.  it is quite opposite here compared to Seattle.  not only in the literal culture of the country but of the mission.  key indicators were only a small part of my last mission, here you kill yourself over them every week....  in a week we have to contact at least 140 people and always have 3 progressing families at church.  there are others as well but those are the craziest ones to me right now.  the carters are very obedient oriented and we have a second hand book opposed to the white bible. i{m trying really hard not to compare anything to Seattle but obviously right now it{s easier said than done.  Haedo 1 is the name of my exact area and it is ramos majio.  look it up cause i definitely don{t know where it is... haha by the end of the day i{m exhausted or the start, ok always.  im pushing myself forward and hope this week brings some great things.  welcome to the field, the real field!  i hope i don{t sound too bitter or down in this letter but i{m just letting you know how it is!  my new comp is very cute and nice and i{m excited to work with her and be living in a four some.  after we are heading out to buy some comida y tambien get money from the bank.  it was so wonderful to talk to you for so much time and in two months i wan{t wait to again!  send letters to mission home and dear elder.  i don{t know how to print yet, hopefully next week.  love you all and your always in my prayers.   

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