Buen Dia,
This week I would
like to protest the idea that we can only call home on monthers day.
How unfair is that. Where is the mens rights... haha well to say the
least this week was a challenging one. some twists and turns and set
backs. Our two marriages are taking their time and dont see the rust
that we are placing on them, after 12 years of marriage they dont
understand why rush through a marraige in a month! but This missionary
is stubborn and so I am not quite giving up.it
would just be easier to get married in the name of them,sadly I dont
think that is legal! sometimes its hard when people have agency. haha
We taught a lesson this week about the book of
mormon to one of our investigatores, Carmin. She is on a search for
happiness as she has way to much stress with her family. her and her
hunband are so strong with norms and values in a country where the rules
are easily thrown out the window. the talk I was reading today easily
could be describe this family. ¨The trees the grow with the wind are
the strongest!¨ At the end of our lesson she broke into tears, her
oldest son is smoking marajuana(no idea how to spell it) and is a
disaster. I look at this poor mother and I just want to help her so
badly. I think it must be one of the hardest things to live with, when
you love your kids so much and want whats best for them. I look at these
parents who are so great to their kids and are teaching them everything
right and then something goes wrong without their control. They cant do
much to help. I was thinking about how it could happen so easilyand I
made the comparision to a family brought up in the faithfully in the
church to those who dont have a religious influence. A family with an
excercising priesthood authority and one without, and I believe that to
makeall the differenece! ¨we need to stay strong in our faith even if it
means we are alone.¨ I am very blessedto have grown up in the valley
view stake. My best friends were right by myside in sunday
school, my sibblings all served before me. All I have to do is follow
the foot prints trenched in the path. I am so grateful for a dad and
bothers who are worthy priesthood holders, and excersize their keys
throughout needed times in my life. Dad you are my hero without the
cape! thank you. In lessons like this I feel like I can do little, but I
pull out my picture of my family and I testify. The gospel blesses
families, and through sacred ordananzas we can live together forever.
THe church is a huge support group with Christ at the head, If you need
somewhere to turn look to prayer, the scriptures, the sacrament, the
members. We are here to help. I have such a strong testimony of this
now, and see the miracles of chariety and love everyday. Argentina has a
lot of horrible things, the world has a lot of horrible things, But the
true envangelio de jesucristo, is a light at the end of the tunnel.
When we come unto christ we can literally overcome anything! and I am a
Living walking breathing witness of that.
Well Nada mas...
Love you so much, and spoil my french father this sunday :)
Hermana Alley
"two new members of our church this week, they have been investigators for over a year. Jorge and Laura! it was such a great day for them as they were both glowing and radiating with joy!" |
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