Today is an excellent day... why? because ¨somewhere over the rainbow¨ is playing as I write to you...
week was full... haha isnt every week? I would first like to start out
by saying that I love american the beautiful and miss you, but until
next year I will just have to keep singing (or belting) your anthem on
my argentine bike. Happy birthday home land!
This week my comp and I had a great miracle, saturday
morning we were walking at nine o clock in tihe morning in the freezing
cold praying that some one would be awake... usually we spend saturday
mornings walking around until about 11 when everyone decides to greet
the day. a name pops in my comps head, one of our referencias and we
decide to give it a shot. three houses away, a lady pops her head out
the window and asks what we are doing and we are going to die in the
cold (slightly dramatic no) well without even saying who we were our
referencia let us in. We began teaching her the restoration to find
that it was a perfect lesson. She began to cry and tell us that she
needed help, she had been praying two seconds before that God would send
his spirt to drink mate with her and to help her know his will. she had
the filling to look at the window and did it, and who did she find? the
missionaries! literally a direct answer to her prayers. She began
explainingi how she wants to find the chruch where she feels good, where
she knows God is happy with her. She has a lot of emotional problems
and literally is calling on us to help her. Never Have I seen anyone so
prepared to receive us! She is a dream of every missionary. My comp
and I went away just amazed at how heaven sent she was for us.
We also contacted another referencia who orginally
wasnt home during the week but we talked with her daughter.When we
passed by again she was home and let us in. She began telling us her
story of losing a baby and her sister almost 4 months. She told us how
she had been praying that we would return and talk with her. Her
daughter helped her believe in God, as before she was born she didnt
believe in anything. Can you believe that? a ten year old helping her
parents pray and graciously acept that there is an all powerful being...
Once again my comp and I are awed. We feel so blessed to be placed in
these peoples paths, because literally they live on streets we have
knocked and passed by a thousand times but never had an success... until
now. Its all in HIS TIMING folks, and its all in HIS WAY! My
testimony of referencias this week has sky rocketed!
Well Know that I am greeeeet just as my friend tony
the tiger says and this week is going to be super because we get to
watch the game, have the marriage of GABRIELA AND DIEGO, and get to meet
our new mission president! I am stoked! Never been happier. love you
all and keep on playing in the sunshine for me.
"world cup!! with hermana ancheta from honduras! GO ARGENTINA GO chivilcoy zone! FUTBOL FEVER!" |
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