Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014
queridos amigos,
Last monday I had the pleasure of
visiting my firs tourist sight in the mission. I imagine I felt
slightly my traveling tourist sister in Italy who is constantly
surrounded by ancient buildings and loads of histoy. I visited the
church of the saint loudres. It is an exact repilica of the one in
france and is HUGE! with luck, they had a service going on. Its like
saint week or something odd like that. We entered to see every
¨practicing¨ catholic getting blessing with laying on of hands and some
really different never seen before ceremonies. we even got to go
upstairs which is called ¨the temple¨ everything beautiful white. It
is an incredible building. On the side is a huge cave to represent the
tomb with a big mary saint on the side. DUring the whole day, looking
in every corner I found one Jesus Christ you dont want to know how many
beautiful full size saints I found... After ward we went into the
shop to by a sovenier... I came away with nothing of Christ. I wanted
to ask every nun in sight where was the Jesus? I dont know about you
but it made me so proud to represent him on my nametag, that way people
dont get confused on who I really worship and love. and even more
grateful that we worship a LIVING Christ. I either way I was more
converted to our church by visting this one. If it wasnt a rule I
probably would have started inviting people to church sunday...
on the way out I asked my comp if we could drink the holy water or it
was against mission rules... we cant drink any water from foucets..
however if it is sacred maybe the rule doesnt apply? we decided it
would be best to pass...
we walked into the house of members to only hear english,... that was a
weird feeling. This family lived in cali for years and speak
perfectly. they made us home made corn dogs and we even had cold slaw
and nachos... I did not want to leave, I found the perfect best friend
for bubbus! this family is like an argetine version of ours. It was
like christmas! never have I loved corndogs more...
funny story, Last sunday we were walking to church
and my comp starts spassing... oh no what happened? a bird had pooped
right on her forehead... haha we were walking with a investigatores and
they just about died laughing... to make the story during gospel
principles we talked about the creation and presperving nature and wild
life... haha our investigatores just got a hoot out of it. It was
pretty priceless.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Every day makes a difference
At the end and beginning of a new week I look at this computer screen
and feel like nothing of grand importance as passed by in just a week.
and than my mind starts rolling of how many things really just happened
and I feel like I cant type fast enough. Not one week goes by without
making a difference in the mission, for me and for the people closest.
Every day makes a difference, just a testimony builder that the small
things really do matter the most.
To start out the week I went on divisions with hermana
cleveland. she heads home next week. We did a very large amount of
talking.. haha this is our second time together, just in different
areas. One lesson we talked with a lady who I knew before hand wouldnt
accept a bautismal date. Well I dont know why but this lady instantly
loved me. She looked me deep in the eyes and told me that I was going to
be someone very special someday and that I would be seen on the cover
of a best selling book. She said she is never wrong at telling
futures... haha I didnt know exactly how to react but I gained her
coinvedince super fast and she ended up feeding us... that was just a
bonus! the lesson went really well as we taught all about bautismos for
the dead and by the end of the lesson, It was time to invite her to be
baptized. Without any effort with our words the spirit just hit her and
she started planning who she was going to invite to the special
occasion. It was such a miracle. It was really neat to be a part of such
an experience where you can just seen someone change faces 100 percent
in one lesson. Night to day difference. I really enjoyed spending time
with hermana cleveland and will be super sad to see her leave. Transfer
news is tomorrow and we shall see what it brings. My guess... I am staying. haha
Monday, August 4, 2014
Santos Lugares
Hola and welcome to my new mission experience.
I feel like I am now serving my third mission. I came back to city
expecting my new area to be like Haedo, It is so far from it. I guess
that is a really good thing as I am looking for different not the same.
But wow did I just jump on the magic carpet with jasmine as this is
seriously a whole new world. I am in an area that is on the outskirts
of BA, therefore it isnt wealthy at all and it is a lot of people tucked
away in little space. Santos lugares is my exact area in casseros.
The spanish is very different as most of the people arent actually
argentinos. We have a lot from peru, paraguay, and bolvia. They look
different, cook different, and it is just throwing me off. haha I felt
for the first couple of days a little like I was just taking a few days
trip to mexico. But all is well now, I am getting used to it, and I
about died when I saw the size of our church... IT IS HUGE. We could
say that president called me for a special mission here, as this past
month we will say there as been a ¨crisis¨ between the misisonaries and
the members. In this ward it is split between two sets of missionaries.
us and the elders. My comp and I took a look at our members today in
just our area alone and we found about 54 less actives or completely
inactives and 11 active members. Therefore the whole ward has such down
to looking for news and focusing on the old and lost. There has been a
lot of baptisms in the past that we call only numbers. people that are
baptized to get a fast key indicator but that arent actaully ready and
fully repented. Therefore they fell away fast and we are left with that
missing principle of the gosple... enduring to the end. My comp and I
have lots of love for the members and are strengthing their desire to
help with missionary work and reactivation. We are doing something in
ithe zone here that is called family misiionaries. Every week a family
is chosen tobecome misisonaries. This family gets a huge plack, their
picutre taken, and get to work hand and hand with us. we have family
home evenings together and they are incharge of referencias and leaving
with us for lessons. It starts this upcoming week and I will let you
know how it goes. We are trying to get creative as the normal misisonary
style isnt working here.
i came into this area really strong, I decided that
whatever it was going to bring I would take it and move forward happily.
Although my mind wanders back to my beloved 25 de mayo sometimes I am
focused on here now. I trust that president knows what is best for me.
One difficult thing this week was actually obedience. I didnt expect
that, but sometimes Missionaries get into the habit and when a new one
comes along there are changes that need to be made. I am determined
with the tiem I have in the mission to not have any back peddling. I
only want to go up from here, no time to relearn any old lessons. I have
such a strong testimony that it is easier to be exactly obedient always
rather than picking and choosing and going with the wind. Really if
you want to win the prize at the end of the race, you have to keep up a
constant pace.
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