Wednesday, September 3, 2014


 The importance of obedience... obedience brings blessings but perfect obedience yields miracles.

This week hermana Davis and I learned a few things about the first law of heaven.  I am going to humbly admit that by the end of the day tuesday I felt a little like enos on my knees asking for forgiveness, for my days actions.  as my comp and I talked we discussed how our day had been spent, it wasnt horrible... we didnt break any commandment or major rule, but we werent being obedient either.  Really I just felt like a whole day was wasted,  that we could have spent it a lot better.  obisously we all have hours or moments where our natural man takes over and we arent 100 percent dedicated or conscentrated when we sh ould be but th is day hit me harder than any of those combined.  as missionaries we teach the steps to rempentance daily and when I was living them recent I felt a whole new meaning for restitution. in this kind of situattion what I really needed to do was give back my tin me , khowever no matter how advanced technolgy gets, its one of Gods inreversable gifts, it cant be dont.  there is no reencarnation, we are given this life to perpare ourselves and nothing more (alm a 34:32-34) it even hits you harder in the mission, when the ¨time is far spent and there is little remaining to publish good tiddings ¨  so if I couldnt give back time, I decided I needed to give up more of me.  Really, I have learned that in momeonts of disobedience we are being nothing more than selfish.  Our pride is a sign of spiritual weakness.  Missionaries can be obedient without  being perfect.  The goal isnt t o be perfect , if it was that would be like setting us up always to faiol.  so what is my goal?    

 my goal is  to prepare  myself now to one day answer the following questions found in alma 5 with confidence, assuracne, humility, love and honestly. KNowing that  my answers will please my father  in heaven, His Son, and my The alley family. 
- ¨have you been spiritually born of God¨?¨
-¨h ave you received his image in your countencances?.¨
-¨have you experienced a mighty change of heart.?¨
-¨do you exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you?¨
-¨do you look forward with an eye of faith to s tand before God to be judged according to the deeds done in mortality?¨
-can ye look up to God with a pure heart and clean hands?¨
and my personal favorite. -¨can you imagine to yourselve the voice of the Lord saying... come unto me ye blessed, for beyold, your works have been works of righteousness and I will save you.?¨

my goal is to be more fully dedicated to stripo myself of pride and  envy, to awlk keeping myself bameless before God, to be sufficently humble , cleasnsed through the blood of Christ.  and I have never felt more than now that this can only be achieved through obedience.  That in this case my resitution is to prove with my works that I cherish my mission , that I have made it sacred and therefore I am more willing to give it my all  , and I have full confidence in recieving the blessing of forgiveness. 

  Hermana Davis and I wrote all the changes and weaknesses we want to see  in our missions on cardbord swords and have burried our weapons.  Just like the story in the book of mormon that we all love,  our  newest battle cry, 
¨ and they took their swords and all the weapons wich were used for the shedding of mans blood and they did bury themn up deep in the earth.   and this they di db eing their view a testomny to God, and also to men , that they never would u se weapoons again for the shedding of mans blood.  and this they did  voching and convenating with God , that  rather than shed the    blood of their breathen they would give up their own lives.¨ alma 25   

  I will be numbered withe righteous and named with the proud. 

 up next on the week, 
 our  stake is doing missionary familys.  This consists of having an assigned family every week  they help us with family home evenings, references , helping us in lessons and we do a service together.   the goal is to get everyone pumped to be missionaries and do their own work.  This week we spent saturday with a huge group of teenager friends playing volleyball and soccer than had a lesson on the word of wisdom with activities. It was a hoot!  so much fun, and there isnt anything like scaring young folks away from the nasty substances.  I do quite enjoy my job.  and everything is more fun with a game!    Thanks caleb for loving shoots and ladders so much .... its now been  missionarized in your honor!   

Love you all lots,   we are working hard finding, lots and lots of finding.  All of our baptism dates recently fell through so  keep this area and the hearts of the people in your prayers.  onward and upward. 

 Hermana Alley  

HAPPY DAY TO THE PARENTS  THIS WEE K!   everyone send in a kiss for the big parents!  Love you lots !   also happy labor day... haha 

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