Tuesday, December 9, 2014

laboring in the white field

when reading a parable this morning I couldnt hel but apply it to my mission, hola that is what i have been called to do, learn apply it and rock it.   anways the parable of the house holder goes a little like this.  the house keeper goes out to hire workers.  he brings the first group in at six in the morning, throughout the day he continually brings in more until the last group works for an hour and they all finish at five oclock.  when they all gather for their days work and to receive their pay, surprisingly they all received the same.  inmediateyl those hired first were angry ¨these last have wrought but one hour and thou hast made them equal to us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.¨

when applying this to mjissionaries, I think its very common that we find ourselves in a similar situation, for example we aere missionaries for twenty four hours but of that time how much of us are really giving a hard, dedicated, obedient work.  there has been days after giving it all, I wonder why I havent received the satisfaction or blessing of other days where I have worked less or recieved more.  Or looded at other companions who dont seem as focuesed as me but are having way more success. or maybe compare myeslef with other missionaries, those who are young in the imission and ahve become leaders.  I while back I thought ot myself of a bit of a faitler.  I didnt understand why I had never become an hermana leader or why I had never trained.  Whad did I lack?  I compared my wage to my sisters mission where she did both from and early stage, so I found myself feeling a bit low.  however what I have learned from this parable and my personal experience is taht the housekeeper or God doesnt treat us unfairly.  the promise is that if we go out and preach his word he wil be with us ad give us succes, he doesnt give us a detailed contract with what type of success it will be.  I received the biggest blessing or wage by spending almost 11 months of the 15 I had here in argentina in campo in the same zone.  When we recently had a zone conference with the members of the district, it was the biggest family lreunion for me and I knew almost every single person there.  I have learned taht comparing missiony and success is imposible as your cant measuere someones conversion or blessings.  SO many are soaked up in who we are and I believe one hundred prect that the lord has given us all the same in one way or anoterh.  I love getting together as a mision because we cant help but become big old chatter boxes.  I givvle endlessly a we share common related storeis and memories.  When we left to serve missions we all agreed on the same wage and circumstances.  we were very happy to put in the work, and we have been paid in full. now the key for me is to take my pay and enjoy the blessings. 

Monday, December 1, 2014


¨I dont do anything for fun, rather I have fun in everything I do¨ Dallin Oaks.   before the mission everyone and their dog asked me how i felt about leaving. my common response ¨¨I am so excited, its going to be so much fun!¨ I received the common laughs from it, oh yah ¨¨fun¨ missionary work.  they all kind of smiled at me with that oh you are so young and innocent and have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Well they are absolutely right I had no idea what I signed up for but those of you who dint think its fun are surely mistaken or you are not doing it right.  because its about the best thing ever.  when asked the common question äre you ready to leave?¨ I would then go onto explain that no, I wasn't. but I was planning on giving it my all, and that if I could just find one person to convert I would be content, just one, you all know that common scripture.

¨Labor all your days crying repentance unto this (argentine) people and bring save it be one soul unto me how great shall be your joy. .. but how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me.¨ 

well little did I know that the first soul came almost as a buy one get one free deal.  when I signed up for a mission, i signed up to become converted.  I think I got the discount, don't you?  my small testimony has been stretsched, twisted, pulled, cut, shaped, sclupted, strutchered, hammered, plasterd, polished and refined.  before what i knew was more of what i hoped to be true and now that I believe is who I am and what I do.  so therefore my joy is already full for that ONE SOUL.  heavenly father just put the that scripture in for kicks and giggles.    really to me its pretty much giving us a preview to the a mission filled with lots of joy because we already have the one and after our responsibility is to saving of the others. at this point I am more focused on holding onto that joy.  not just a sugar rush of joy and than a crash after to nothing but a steady constant joy.  we dont just give people a taste of heaven and than send them on their way.  we need to bring it he souls unto Him and keep them there, always looking for second helpings or more spiritual experience.  I can better apply my  thoughts to the talk by elder holland.  He goes on to explain what it would be like to be an apostle right after christ died and their thought process... it would be something like this...  maybe coming from the mouth of paul...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

poco de poco

Hello to my beloved family of mine,

so on this weeks episode of ¨what did hermana alley eat this week¨ I would like you all to think back to some very cherished moments I had with two furry animals named twitchel and nibbles... Yes that is right I was fed rabbit this week... I about died just thinking of the poor things.  Sure the meat was softer than chicken but you the meat still had the soft fur of the poor innocent creatures.  Two times eating rabbit in the same week and I teared up on the first bite.  It was a tough one for me but I made it through! 

Friday we had a reunion with our zones of chilvicoy north and south.  It was just fantastic as always, our new assistants are my old zone leaders so that makes things just a hoot.  We talked about alma 47.  The story to refresh your minds is that Amalickiah is trying to overthrough the kingdom, anyways he is trying to persuade the leader Lehonti to come down to the foot of the mountain.  the first verses shows how he was very strongwilled and determined but as we keep reading every verse he gets weaker and weaker, and after about 5 or 6 times, lelhonti comes down from the mountain and is killed with poison. It was such a small example and we only touched it in tihe meeting-  However during my personal study today I thought about it even more. small things ready lead up to big and if we arent careful we will slowly and surely be weakened without knowing it. I thought of some examples, sthe first thing that popped into my head was martin harris and the pages of the book of mor mon.  how many times did Jospeh smith have to ask the Lord with the same answer.  and look what ended up happening.  I also thought of a cake.  if you add a little big extra salt it wont make a huge difference, maybe add a little bit more, but after A while your cake isnt going to turn out right and its too a late to take out the salt.  instead you have to start completely over. ok ok one more example, if you put a frog in a boiling pot of water it is going to jump out instantly. but if you put a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly bring it to a boil it will die without knowing it.   These can all be so easily related to the mission and normal life.  for example, obedience... those little things really can add up and before you know it you arent worthy to receive all the blesings or miracles waiting for you, ¨¨dont believe me aske the dishes¨ or maybe you are only studying a little bit for your investigatores, after all you have an hour. but little by little you realze you dont have enough time to fully prepare yourself for the day spiritually and we all know that we have to feast on eht words before the spirit will  help us out. we cant just snack on them and expect the rest to come easily.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Elder Christofferson

I am going to start with my higlight of the week...

exactly one year ago I sat down and listened to the voice of the apostle elder holland.  I was on the second row, or the wet zone... thebest you could have asked for.  I remember as if it was yesterday, when he looked me in the yeys and told lme that my savior loves me and that he did too.  I remember how much I needed to hear those three wordsa and nothingmore, as i was struggling with the life as a baby missionary. One yer has gone and this week i sat down a different person ready to listen to teh voice of the apostel elder christofferson.  I didnt feel like I have become the bst missionary in the world but when I sat there amongst the sea of missionaries I fet at peace, not anzious or scared just at peace at where I am at.. I looked around at our mission group so many new faces replaced by my old aquaitances.  millions of membories and friends at every glance, buenos aires oeste is the best mission in the world, why?  because of the missionaries... because it is my mission and I love it.  its where I have put my heart and fnought with what I have.  amongst this group satan has no power over me and I feel like i have become spirtiually stronger.  that missionaries bring an incredible fource field when we are united.  elder chrisotfferson taught tabout repentance but bringing tru repentance throught the power of the atoneent.  the very best part of the devotional was the last ten mins when he gave us all a blessing.  I wish I ould have recoreded it but allong the lines this is what he said, 

That we will eac hbe able to receive the profund testimony and knowldege of the divity of our father in the heavn that we all will feel his love for us within our hears.  that we will revieve the protectection of angels and feel their spirits aorund us.  that we will be able to effect the lives of others with our postive attitudues and that every effort wlll be recompnesed in the heavens.  that our experiences in the mission are miarcles and blessings but it is our duty to share them with others so they too can be lifted up.  he promised that JesuChrist has accepted our offering to serve him, our service and dnedication and that he knows us individually, our hearts and efforts.  that is he conetnt with what we give of us willingly for the bnefit of others salvation.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

We should count our blessing but we should also make them count

¨we should count our blessing but  we should also make them count¨

This week determined the fate of finishing up my mission... monday night I completely forgot that transfers were this week and we surprisingly received the call... ring ring. oh no panic attack begins like always.  But I was super calm knowing that whatever happed was going to be great. either way I was going to be happy. that is what we called a seasoned missionary.  Well the news was sad... hermana hale is heading out. and we had made a bucket list and everything together, I was a little bit shocked as I had it in my mind that she was going to take me out of the mission. So to celebrate we slept outside on our pourch... camping.. hehe at least we took that off the bucket list, that and teaching her to cut an apple because yup she cant do it...  lunes consisted of lots of farewells and a surprise baptism! thats right our baptism was scheduled for friday but when our investigator heard that hermana hale is taking off jumped it forward so she could be a part of it.  Hermana Marchant is the last to become a member of her family. She is a single mom of 7 kids, and all that live with her were baptised years ago. Her day was super special has her kids sang ¨the family is of God¨, a primary song, I dont believe there was an dry eye in the crowd. What better way to leave an area.   It was a beautiful baptism. 

Wednesday we headed to buenos aires, my very last transfer meeting... boooooo   it felt weird but I didnt let it sink in to much.  in the process of the trip we lost our phone, so we are now living currently amish style.  without phone, but I quite enjoy it because we dont receive pointless calls all day long from the elders... shhhh dont tell them. :)  this week we should get another one!  So I bet you are all dying to know who is my next companion.... Hermana tidwell straight from provo with only 6 months in the mission but talks better than me. haha I must say that she is completely different than hermana hale, she is super chill where as hermana hale was wild with energy.  She is great and a big old sweetie. She has only had three comps all of which are from utah and she has killed them all... kiilling machine!!!  so I guess she is good at what she does.  welcome to campo my friend.   

We had a miracle this week. I dont know the area all that well since all of our investigator pool was just baptized.  therefore I am getting to know very well the area book.  I went through and found a list of names of people that sounded interesting to me that I noted to visit. I than made another list of people who have attended to church before.  Well we head out to visit another list of less actives and we end up finding a 19 year old chicka that was on ALL THREE lists.  We went out searching for her whichout even being aware until that night when I made the connection and about died. fate or what, she is incredible!  her name is just showing up every place now.  after years she is still writing one of the elders that passed by for her house.  sometimes I just get so excited when things work out like clock work.  destiny in a book is what the area book should be called from now on. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Receive the Promise

Up next on the series of the LIfe of missionary Alley, A week with lots of rain... and hail, nothing like getting pegged on a bike. and the weather update in the nearest town of bragado... a tornato... thats right roofs were beinig thrown off houses. but dont worry we just got rain and lots of wind. nothing that two missionaries cant handle with rainboots and hymns.

Well this week was strange.  haha we went from some really great moments and some not to great. I became nurse for my sick flu companion and tackling the puke with salteen crackers and sprite.  I think I counted nine bathroom runs in one night... poor thing.  I have never prayed so hard for my health! haha  but she is quite the trooper and we only stopped working for two hours.  atta girl, go fight win! 

The best part of the week was halloween. I spent over the week four hours of coloring and trying to be creative to throw together a halloween experiecne just like in the states.  after convincing people to not freak out over what halloween is and just come for candy and dress up, we had a great turn out! we had about 8 people we arent members come and they all loved it!  we also had a great turn out with less actives.  WE played all the classics.. musical pumpkins, pin the tag on the missioanry.  bobbing for oranges (they were cheaper...haha), torta fritas on a string, limbo (a little secret i won... hehe turns out our branch is less flexible than me) , fishing for treats, and a little bit of spooky dance off.  my comp and I went as hippies, tuned down as much as we can but still out of the skirit ;)  it was super fun and we have just been assigned to do the next upcoming activity of a talent show.   I am stoked.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Feeling hot hot hot

hello.  I am so hot... the sun came out and I think it is closer to argentina than any other part of the world.  things are cooking up and faaaast.  I have already become best friends with Lilianna.  She is our fan, and I dont think I ever stop sweating.  Its just a jolly old time! but anyways thats just a side note, now for all the good details of the week.
well this week was opposite of the last.  Some weeks its like the whole world has changed into a dream wonder land and people joyingful let you into their house, and then other weeks everyone just sleeps or is too hot to move and open the door to even talk to the missionaries.  but thats ok, because we managed anyways.  Like I mentioned with the pictures we did a service project for bartolo.  I loved it because if you would have seen the place before and after, its a master piece.  I have decided I like fixing things up.  everyone here built their own house and have everything to live.  they depend on themsevles, as they have their own gardens, chickens, and they do stuff the old fashioned way, not using all the convient and super up to date equiptment that saves time and energy for us in the states. however I feel like everything we do is so much more out of the heart and effective. for example after getting only slightly sunburned all I had to do was go oever to the nearest plant , cut off a piece and rub the green goo on my skin and walla. I am all good.  and who needs to buy tea when you have the bush, why would you go to the market when you have lemons off the nearest tree to spice up your salad.  Dad I think you should consider extending the garden.  Love the salsa but we could use some  fruit trees and medicine plants as well! they come in handy!

"helping bartolo. we had three of these piles of branches and parts of trees.  we did some good old hard labor.  He reminds me a lot of dad because he always has a project going on, and we always invite ourselves to help him out.. I felt a little bite like tarzan mixed with an axe man throughout the process.  it is getting super hot here and lots of SUNSHINE.  bartolo also sings tango and made up a song for me.  he surprised me and made me stand on the other side of this window so he could sing to me with this fake guitar.. he´s got my heart.  haha great service project."

This week I decided to take a vacation for half a day... okay okay it was a road trip.  I packed up my fanny pack and pulled out my cien ciens to head off to 25 de mayo.. that is right you heard correctly. last week I asked president for permission to head back to the baptism of part of my family.  Gabriela was going to get baptized and I dont know if i told you but she is PREGNANT!  how adorable is that. I already told her I had revelation for what she is going to name her.... hermana alley... haha My comp and I arrived a little bit early to surprise all of the members and especially gabreila and diego who had no idea I was coming.  It was the best moment.  all of teh members gave me a big group hug and it was like being welcomed home.  They caught me up on all the great things that are happening and before I knew it the service had begun and ended, very smoothly spirit filled and I had to say goodbyes again.  I absoltuely loved seeing so many of my kindred spirits but thank goodness it wasnt goodbye bye as we ahve a conference coming up and if I say in the area

Monday, October 20, 2014

laugh because you can

Shall we start out with a smile this morning... first off I will try telling them in english... however they are a lot better in castellano. and some cant be transladted so you will just have to ask stephen to help you out...

Who was the first prophet to have a car?   David because he had a honda (ok folks honda in spanish is sling..hahhaaha)

second, Que tiene que ver una vava con un argentino?  Una vava da leche y un argentina dice DALE CHE!  hahahahahahahahahahahaha

there are three people on an airplane.  all of which think they know it all, one french, one american and one argentine. First the french, being stuck up says ¨look I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to France¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know?  ¨because I just touched the effel tower!!    the american says that he can to the exact same. ¨look I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to united states¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know?  ¨because I just touched the statue of liberty.  so the argentine says welllook I am so smart I can put my hand out the window and tell you exactly where we are headed.¨ so He puts his hand out and says ÿes we are going to ärgentina¨ the others resonded ¨how do you know, because you touched the tower of san martin?  NOpe because I just got my watch stolen...¨ hahahaha 

alright I hope you are all laughing now because I sure am!!! 

quick potty break.... I know the laughter is unbearable..

"haha beautiful view!"

"divisiones con las hermanas de junin, opps i am writting in castellano... we had spilts with four other americans!  way too much fun. probably should have been illegal."

Ok LISTOS!  this week was just fantastic!  we started out strong and ended strong with 12 new people to teach for this week, RECORD!  we saw so many miracles, you think our meter would say OVERLOAD.  first off we did divisions with the sisters from junin.  That was fun because they both came to our area and I realized how much more we would do if we were two more!  I split with hermana gerber. she has 9 months in the mission.  durning lunch my comp and I cooked up QUISO!  it was soooo good and spinach scones and sugar cookies. we spoiled the sisters pretty much.  we had a picnic out on our pourch and enjoyed the time together, we  than al slept in the same room that night and it was just a big fiesta.  

wE found a family while we were out and about working and they have five kids, are married, and cried during the restoration. they are priceless and are on date.the only problem is that Mr. Hueso is a tattoo artist, and has been for 40 years.  BUT I have HOPE!   Elida is also a huge miracle as we have plans for her baptism this week.  She is adorable. when we talked to her this week about her baptism we asked her if she would continue praying about her date she responded ¨well of cource but I already know what God is going to say, because I have already receivied the answer.¨ we than asked her why she wanted to be baptized and she said, because its the true church and has the right baptizm.  she is a capa, responded the questions like an angel. haha  Ada is a super frail lady who was abandoned by her family and just needs some good mormon love.  She ahs a special place in my heart as we put her on date to be baptized and her only concern was getting her wig wet.  how tender is that.  I just love who we are working with right now, they are all worth gold. 

We had interviews with president this week and all is well, he started getting trunky on me and that I did not like, oh well what can you say I did just pass my two month mark. I came out pumped to not become anxious as december gets closer but to focus on my work and dedicate all of me, so if you could all do the same I would appreciate it.  If it werent for christmas I would ahve totally extended... so here is my rawling call... 


Really I need five hours to skim the details of the week but I think you get the gist of the best points.  two funny things happened this week. 

first the other day I went to take a drink out of my water bottle and fould that a leaf was in my mouth... gross. I go to take it out and it flys out instead... yes it was a fliying baby cochroch... in my mouth.... NASTY and I almost ate it!

second the other day we are studying in our appartement and we hear someone trying to break into our apprrtment... no really?  we look at teh door and the keys are shaking and the door handle moving... panic mood what do we do.  My comp looks through the peep whole and comes running away.  There is someone!  so we run outside on the poarch and start running around in circles, naturally first reaction. but wait, if they come in than we will just be surround and stuck out here.  so I grab the broom and run like a warrior, ready for the door to open.  but maybe they just dont know we are here. So then I start belting so they know we are... singing who knows waht haha well turns out that the scary man my comp saw through the peep hole trying to break in was just a little old grandma lost in our building.  haha but hey I was well armed and ready. and had a good laugh. dont trust in your short companions.. moral of the story.  

well ahve a wonderful week and enjoy the life we are given cause its the best. to bad you are not all in argetinia, because this place just calls for a good time.  Love you

hermana alley 

More pictures! Yay! 

(Okay so a certain editor was possibly not feeling just two pictures in this post and did some online stalking to find the rest. You're welcome) 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Libro De Mormon

Well this week folks was a week in the mission... are you surprised?  I thought about taking a vacation to the nearest provencia but then decided I would keep working here in 9 de julio with my comp hermana hALE. Who has the same name as me.  I guess I will start out by letting you all know that president is fine.  The whole stroy that got out into the news was true, but blown out of porportion. President told the zone leaders that it was really quite calm and that while he was with the guys he was using his phone to call his family. We all got a list of segurity guidelines (for moms heart) and we are all being extra careful (I am in campo mom, nothing happens here).  So all is well!

I heard great news this week on two different areas!  My investigatores Gabriela in 25 de mayo is getting baptized the end of this month!!! Do you hear the hallejuela bells chimming cause I do!  and this past week our investigator, Priscila (hermana davis and I) in casseros was baptized!  I am so happy to know that the missionaries are working hard on helping these people I love become members.  yahoo yippee!  I wish I could see all my areas progress, be there and here in the same time.  I had a moment this week as I thought about some of the people I really love here, four of my conversos are grandpas... I cant imagine the thought of not seeing them again and if I do get the chance to return one day and not having them be around anymore... They are so wonderful and I have all adopted them into my family tree!  it was a hard moment.  Why is it so easy to get attached to these jems of people. Argentinos son los mejores! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Be happy... NOW

Feliz cumple this week graham!!!

like you all now, last monday I was writting you from within the pueblo of bragado for a zone activity. well that evening we headed back to 9 de julio just to work a good old 2 hours sleep 8 and head back out for a zone meeting.  This months meeting was focused on having a good attitude at the center of our missions, and how everything really extendes out from that until you make your mission a sacred one and end up enjoying it but also doing what you were called to do.  I feel like it was exactly what I needed to boost me up and get me going, and stop slugging around going through the motions of once again getting comfortable.  My comp Hermana Hale is super spunky and bubbly and laughs at nothing... haha so that helps us have fun, just with her tennesse accent its difficult for people to understand her sometimes.  those southern bells... well I learned alot coming out of the reunion and decided once again I would make the decision to be Happy.  its true sometimes it feels like tkeh birds dont sing and the sund doesnt shine, yet in despite of discouragement and challenges I have learned that those who are happiest have a way of learningi from difficult times and in return become stronger, wiser, and happier as a result.  Its all in the way we approach it... our hardest times can be times of greatest growth.  Just think of the scriptures.... nefi, abraham, moises, Joseph SAmith... their adversity, make it or break it.  however they chose to let it polish them and refine their characters.  Really in this life we are given, we have a lot of choices. We have to make them and those that we chose make us who we are.  So in otherwords we dont sing because we are happy, but we are happy because we sing.  Everything thoughts with our thoughts, so if we determine to have a good attitude, it will become a behavior and that makes the results. so why would you not chose to be happy.  I have learned that our Heavenyl Father knows very well that I am not perfect... and here in the best mission in the World I have felt everyone of my weaknesses very strongly and have suffered through my imperfections, but as I have God has given me the comfort needed and as given me suggestions to where I need to improve.  and then when we have gone through the refiners fire, we realize that the whole experience has stretched our understanding, strengthens are attributos de Cristo and increases our compassion for others who feel the same way or soon will.  So to close this little side note I have a scripture... Proverbs 16:20  ¨he that handleth a matter wisely shall find goodñ and who so trusteth in the Lord, Happy he is.¨ In other words, bob marely wasnt the first to say ¨don¨t worry...be Happy¨.  Today make the decision.

Monday, September 15, 2014

week of service.

Hola mi querido familia!  muy buenas días de la mejor lugar y toda el mundo... si buenos aires oeste!  habla su hija, hermana, y angelito.  Espero que tengan la mejor semana, con nuestro extranjero sorella Alley.  que loco!  un gran bienvenida por su viaje!

Tuesday I started out with a blessing from my liders of the zone.  Elder garay and elder collins gave me one of the most beautifully worded and phrased blessings.  I felt the spirit so strongly and although its dificult to remember all the details I could feel the love that My heavenly father has for me and his Son Jesus Christ.  I am very grateful to see the priesthood in action and to have to it so closely available when I need it.  It was even better in castillano. I sure do love this langauge. I know that as I go on with the weeks I will be using what I felt and heard as a strength and backbone to completing and giving all to my purpose as a missionary.

We followed the blessing by a super great zone meeting.  we are super caseros and everyone was given  a character by the leadrs.. bet you could guess what mine is... thats right wonder woman. the only thing I can remember about her is her clothing... haha and that she definitely isnt blond. but it fits right?   we focused on the atonement and there wasnt a dry eye in the bunch.  I just love when we all get together and its just feel good time!  pumps me up to work and do myo best. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week of family home evenings

Lets just call this week the week of family home evenings. they are so great that we decided to have one 5 of the 7 days that you find in the week.

Monday we started out with the Familia Meza.  They are our missionaries this week.  We let the two girls sport our name tags as they planned together a lesson to teach us. The plan of salvation.  They all started our grumpy but quickly turned into little angels as they knew a ton about their heavenly father.  We giggled lots and at the end they gave us big hugs and told us that they loved us.  dont tell my comp but one of them whispered into my hear that Im her very favorite missionary.  SCore. haha 

Tuesday We headed with the familia meza to teach carlos and loudres, their referencia that is our progressing family.  They have been investigating for 3 years but for the first time ever came to church with us.  We are pretty stocked at how they are finally progressing.  We taught about a house of orden.  everyone has their chores and role in the family.  We played some games and before you know it Loudres was telling us her miracle.  She always had beef about not receiving her answer.  She says she has been praying just like everyone tells her to do, but never receves anything.  Well this week she felt an answer very strongy. and admitted that we have been right all along.  Do you hear the angels singing... I do... they sing in castellano so beauitfully!  

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


 The importance of obedience... obedience brings blessings but perfect obedience yields miracles.

This week hermana Davis and I learned a few things about the first law of heaven.  I am going to humbly admit that by the end of the day tuesday I felt a little like enos on my knees asking for forgiveness, for my days actions.  as my comp and I talked we discussed how our day had been spent, it wasnt horrible... we didnt break any commandment or major rule, but we werent being obedient either.  Really I just felt like a whole day was wasted,  that we could have spent it a lot better.  obisously we all have hours or moments where our natural man takes over and we arent 100 percent dedicated or conscentrated when we sh ould be but th is day hit me harder than any of those combined.  as missionaries we teach the steps to rempentance daily and when I was living them recent I felt a whole new meaning for restitution. in this kind of situattion what I really needed to do was give back my tin me , khowever no matter how advanced technolgy gets, its one of Gods inreversable gifts, it cant be dont.  there is no reencarnation, we are given this life to perpare ourselves and nothing more (alm a 34:32-34) it even hits you harder in the mission, when the ¨time is far spent and there is little remaining to publish good tiddings ¨  so if I couldnt give back time, I decided I needed to give up more of me.  Really, I have learned that in momeonts of disobedience we are being nothing more than selfish.  Our pride is a sign of spiritual weakness.  Missionaries can be obedient without  being perfect.  The goal isnt t o be perfect , if it was that would be like setting us up always to faiol.  so what is my goal?    

 my goal is  to prepare  myself now to one day answer the following questions found in alma 5 with confidence, assuracne, humility, love and honestly. KNowing that  my answers will please my father  in heaven, His Son, and my The alley family. 
- ¨have you been spiritually born of God¨?¨
-¨h ave you received his image in your countencances?.¨
-¨have you experienced a mighty change of heart.?¨
-¨do you exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you?¨
-¨do you look forward with an eye of faith to s tand before God to be judged according to the deeds done in mortality?¨
-can ye look up to God with a pure heart and clean hands?¨
and my personal favorite. -¨can you imagine to yourselve the voice of the Lord saying... come unto me ye blessed, for beyold, your works have been works of righteousness and I will save you.?¨

Monday, August 25, 2014


well folks this week is going to be a short one because I sent lots of pics... so thats really a lot more than words can say anyways...
we started out with our activity with the barrior the last monday. Super fun, we ate hamburgers the size of my head that are just delicious! nothing beats the meat here, its fantastic!  we played soccer, voli, and basketball, I felt so freee!!! haha it was a hoot to play with all the kids and parents and it ended up beingi a really good turnout! 

Monday, August 18, 2014


queridos amigos,

Last monday I had the pleasure of visiting my firs tourist sight in the mission.  I imagine I felt slightly my traveling tourist sister in Italy who is constantly surrounded by ancient  buildings  and loads of histoy.  I visited the church of  the saint loudres. It is an exact repilica of the one in france and is HUGE!  with luck, they had a service going on. Its like saint week or something odd like that.  We entered to see every ¨practicing¨ catholic getting blessing with laying on of hands and some really different never seen before ceremonies. we even got to go upstairs which is called ¨the temple¨ everything  beautiful white.  It is an incredible building. On the side is a huge cave to represent the tomb with  a big mary saint on the side.   DUring the whole day, looking in every corner I found one Jesus Christ you dont want to know how many  beautiful full size saints I found...  After ward we went into the shop to by a sovenier... I came away with nothing of Christ. I  wanted to ask every nun in sight where was the Jesus?  I dont know about you but it made me so proud to represent him on my  nametag, that way people dont get confused on who I really worship and love.   and even more grateful that we worship a LIVING Christ. I either way I was more converted to our church by visting this one.  If it wasnt a rule I probably would have started inviting people to church sunday...  on the way out I asked my comp if we could drink the holy water or it was against mission rules... we cant drink any water from foucets.. however if it is sacred maybe the rule doesnt apply?  we decided it   would be best to pass...

Tuesday we walked into the house of members to only hear english,... that was a weird feeling.  This family lived in cali for years and speak perfectly. they made us home made corn dogs and we even had cold slaw and nachos... I did not want to leave, I found the perfect best friend for bubbus!  this family is like an argetine version of ours.  It was like christmas!  never have I loved corndogs more...

funny story, Last sunday we were walking to church and my comp starts spassing... oh no what happened?  a bird had pooped right on her forehead... haha we were walking with a investigatores and they just about died laughing... to make the story during gospel principles we talked about the creation and presperving nature and wild life... haha  our investigatores just got a hoot  out of it.  It was pretty priceless. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Every day makes a difference

At the end and beginning of a new week I look at this computer screen and feel like nothing of grand importance as passed by in just a week. and than my mind starts rolling of how many things really just happened and I feel like I cant type fast enough. Not one week goes by without making a difference in the mission, for me and for the people closest. Every day makes a difference, just a testimony builder that the small things really do matter the most.

To start out the week I went on divisions with hermana cleveland. she heads home next week. We did a very large amount of talking.. haha this is our second time together, just in different areas. One lesson we talked with a lady who I knew before hand wouldnt accept a bautismal date. Well I dont know why but this lady instantly loved me. She looked me deep in the eyes and told me that I was going to be someone very special someday and that I would be seen on the cover of a best selling book. She said she is never wrong at telling futures... haha I didnt know exactly how to react but I gained her coinvedince super fast and she ended up feeding us... that was just a bonus!  the lesson went really well as we taught all about bautismos for the dead and by the end of the lesson, It was time to invite her to be baptized. Without any effort with our words the spirit just hit her and she started planning who she was going to invite to the special occasion. It was such a miracle. It was really neat to be a part of such an experience where you can just seen someone change faces 100 percent in one lesson. Night to day difference. I really enjoyed spending time with hermana cleveland and will be super sad to see her leave.  Transfer news is tomorrow and we shall see what it brings. My guess... I am staying. haha

Monday, August 4, 2014

Santos Lugares

Hola and welcome to my new mission experience.

Seriously I feel like I am now serving my third mission.  I came back to city expecting my new area to be like Haedo, It is so far from it. I guess that is a really good thing as I am looking for different not the same. But wow did I just jump on the magic carpet with jasmine as this is seriously a whole new world.  I am in an area that is on the outskirts of BA, therefore it isnt wealthy at all and it is a lot of people tucked away in little space.  Santos lugares is my exact area in casseros.  The spanish is very different as most of the people arent actually argentinos. We have a lot from peru, paraguay, and bolvia.  They look different, cook different, and it is just throwing me off. haha I felt for the first couple of days a little like I was just taking a few days trip to mexico.  But all is well now, I am getting used to it, and I about died when I saw the size of our church... IT IS HUGE.  We could say that president called me for a special mission here, as this past month we will say there as been a ¨crisis¨ between the misisonaries and the members.  In this ward it is split between two sets of missionaries. us and the elders. My comp and I took a look at our members today in just our area alone and we found about 54 less actives or completely inactives and 11 active members.  Therefore the whole ward has such down to looking for news and focusing on the old and lost.  There has been a lot of baptisms in the past that we call only numbers.  people that are baptized to get a fast key indicator but that arent actaully ready and fully repented.  Therefore they fell away fast and we are left with that missing principle of the gosple... enduring to the end.  My comp and I have lots of love for the members and are strengthing their desire to help with missionary work and reactivation. We are doing something in ithe zone here that is called family misiionaries.  Every week a family is chosen tobecome misisonaries.  This family gets a huge plack, their picutre taken, and get to work hand and hand with us.  we have family home evenings together and they are incharge of referencias and leaving with us for lessons. It starts this upcoming week and I will let you know how it goes. We are trying to get creative as the normal misisonary style isnt working here.  

i came into this area really strong, I decided that whatever it was going to bring I would take it and move forward happily. Although my mind wanders back to my beloved 25 de mayo sometimes I am focused on here now. I trust that president knows what is best for me.  One difficult thing this week was actually obedience. I didnt expect that, but sometimes Missionaries get into the habit and when a new one comes along there are changes that need to be made.  I am determined with the tiem I have in the mission to not have any back peddling. I only want to go up from here, no time to relearn any old lessons. I have such a strong testimony that it is easier to be exactly obedient always rather than picking and choosing and going with the wind.  Really if you want to win the prize at the end of the race, you have to keep up a constant pace.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

A big change

(editor's warning: original spelling has been maintained to preserve the authenticity of Hermana Alley's lose of the English language as she conquers Spanish!) 

well folks today I have quite the twist to  tell you. but before I start I would like to tell you a little bit about this past week.  Our presdient took away our very strict key indicators this week and  gave us some freedom to pick our goals. WHAT?   what a change in the mission. this week he took awa y our list of rules and now we are just going off the white bible. can you believe it ... we can drink Cola now.  thank goodness mate is out of the question still. really  I feel like this is the third mission I am serving.  only in the sa me place.  In 25 de mayo we found some wonderful news this  week.  people extremely great and so prepared to listen. we found comple families and young families. it was really a great week.   I am now learning castillano in the  sign language.  We have a  soon to be member who is deaf and she is giving us classes. I LOVE IT!  its so fun and pretty easy to pick up on!  
w ell I am just going to  skip ahead now to what I cant get out of my mind.  saturday we are eating with the family ashton, like always,  but this time we are ea ting steak!  how wonderful and nice of them, whats the occasion?  The announce that they are coming back to  25 de mayo full time this week!  celebration! well satruday passes by normal,  now its sunday morning. just another sunday in campo.  I am asked to bare my testimony out of the blue. thats odd   but why not I will do it.  hermana ashton after the reunion asks if I am read y... for? the primary? yes I am always ready?    after church see comies up to me with tears and says you didnt say goodbye? why not?  HERMANA ASHTON WHAT IS GOING ON?  she looks at me... 
¨they didnt tell you¨
¨you are leaving 25  ede mayo...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Take a breath...

Hello Family of mine....

What a crazy out of this world week. I dont even remember all the things that happened. Hermana passos and I have been running from place to place, having very little time for anything. LITERALLY. Take an hour break... not happening, the longest break time we had was our 5 mintue ¨¨go to outer space¨and not think of anything, so we would be sain to start running again... why do you ask is everything so busy?  well monday we didnt have pday because we worked to watch the game miercoles, Tuesday we had a reunion with our district, wednsday the game, thurdsday we set up for a wedding, friday, we left to meet our new president and his family, in the evenging was the wedding of gabriela and diego, and saturday we headed to the temple... whooooa and sunday was the world cup finals.   CRAZYYYYY! I now need a good nap....

BUT NOW FOR THE DETAILS! The little time we had to work to complete our goals was very sad. this week everything that could wrong, went wrong.  The worst luck ever, I personally believe it to be satan angry that this week we were going to have a wedding.  We didnt get down but it made us work that much harder... serious pot holes in every step.  Miercoles however is where I will begin because I have never been more thrilled to watch TV!  haha With it being the independencia of argentina and the world cup, we could have gotten away with anything in the street... there was not a soul in sight!  everything was closed and even the dogs were taking the day off from chasing us. Lets just say it was better than christmas!  I had to laugh at stephens comments of soccer... two hours of little action just to come down to a shoot out, but MAN WAS IT SO GREATTTT!!!  GO NUMBER 4, my favorite player.  Messi isnt even that incredible, I am so proud to be practically a argentino!  and off we were to the finals.  We watched the game with hermana cabello and her family (five generations of family all living in the same plot of land)  I couldnt help it and a little bit of my competive side came out and I did a few papa pierre yelling and a few excited carwheels when we won!  the streets fillled with people everyone headed to teh plazas to celebrate. now this is more like it, vamos argentina!  everyone said we would win everything because the pope is argentino... oppps.  Sunday we banned to the pension because it was the sabath day... I protested and decided we should swtich to having chruch saturdays... haha presdient didnt approve.  darn.  but eitehr way win or lose we came so far and what a thrill to be a part of something HUGE in a foreign country.  

Monday, July 7, 2014


Today is an excellent day... why? because ¨somewhere over the rainbow¨ is playing as I write to you...
This week was full... haha isnt every week? I would first like to start out by saying that I love american the beautiful and miss you, but until next year I will just have to keep singing (or belting) your anthem on my argentine bike.  Happy birthday home land!
My other important announcement, if you didnt already know, argentina is in the semi finals. EVERYONE there for is required to add this game and every player to your prayers... I know I just mentioned my pride for the USA but in soccer... there isnt much hope. ARGENTINA IS GOING TO TAKE IT ALL!!!! and I AM GOING TO BE A WITNESS!  luckily we have been given permission to watch the game, can you believe it.. a miracle!  VAMOS ARGENTINA! I am so stoked, its better than march madness! 

This week my comp and I had a great miracle, saturday morning we were walking at nine o clock in tihe morning in the freezing cold praying that some one would be awake... usually we spend saturday mornings walking around until about 11 when everyone decides to greet the day. a name pops in my comps head, one of our referencias and we decide to give it a shot. three houses away, a lady pops her head out the window and asks what we are doing and we are going to die in the cold (slightly dramatic no)  well without even saying who we were our referencia let us in.  We began teaching her the restoration to find that it was a perfect lesson.  She began to cry and tell us that she needed help, she had been praying two seconds before that God would send his spirt to drink mate with her and to help her know his will. she had the filling to look at the window and did it, and who did she find? the missionaries! literally a direct answer to her prayers.  She began explainingi how she wants to find the chruch where she feels good, where she knows God is happy with her.  She has a lot of emotional problems and literally is calling on us to help her. Never Have I seen anyone so prepared to receive us!  She is a dream of every missionary.  My comp and I went away just amazed at how heaven sent she was for us.   

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Chooooo choooooo!

¨¨If you think you are beaten you are
if you think you dare not, you dont.
if youd like to win but you think you cant,
its almost a cinch you wont.
if you think youll lose, youve lost, 
for out in the world we find
success being with a fellos will, 
its all in the state of mind.

if you think youre outclassed you are, 
youve got to be sure of yourself before 
you can ever win a prize.
Lifes battles dont always go to the stronger or faster man, 
but sooner or laterthe man who wins is the one who thinks he can. 
-Walter D.Wintle

chooo chooooooo chug chug chug choo choooo ¨¨we think we can, we think we can, we think we can.¨ at teh beginning of this month hermana tellez and I sat down together, our last minutes together and set the goal for our beloved 25 de mayos baptisms this month of june.  We felt the impression really strongly that there are three very prepared futre members amongst our stomping grounds.  Well june brought a lot of wearing and taring on the train tracks.  Unexpected delays and cancelings, hills steeper than expected and lengthy distnaces, but ¨two missionaries sing as they bike and bike and bike, missionaries in 25 sing as they knock and knock and knock¨ okay ill tone down the dramatic, this terrian isnt nearly as bad ast the usas, those poor pioneers and one sore ragnar runner. but just as they reached the salt lkae valley and bubbus finished her race (woot woot)  we reached our home stretch on our goal. Do we give up for the cold? NO. do we cry a little for the lack of sleep, NO!  because we think we can! What do we have to lose anyways az few toew to frost bite, its fine weve got ten! and the wind drys out any mositure in your eyes anyways, crys dont exist!  SO everyday this week we literally run from lesson to lesson, visting our investigadores on date, almost losing some over there, and reasurring some over here.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Con Fe todo es posible

una semana de milagros,

One year completed in the field! 
everyone take a walk with me down memory lane... come on it will be enjoyable lets think back to the age of back and white tvs.  for the benefit of mom and dad I will say that it wasnt to long ago... now there is a series I absoutely love, a re d head hero of m ine, LUCY.  what a charcter what a better way to gain a strong set of ab s, by laughing.  Well the chocoate factory episode is which I would like you to think about.  She is owrking in a factory, ut cant keep up with the packaging, so naturally the only solution bturns to eating the chocoalate or shoveling them into every possible vacant spot.  I am laughing in this very second as I love this episode... haha Well turns out eit is even greater finding a connection with missionary work.  this hweek on the converbelt isnt chocoaltes but miracles, which are just as rico!!!  Its ben hard to keep up with them and I dont think there are enough letters in the alphabet nor paper from the trees to express my gratitude  TO begin with a miracle with president carter... I <am staying in 25 de mayo!!! not I wont miss out on my quieridos amgios wedding and baptism!! second, we had a family home evening and 14 peopole were in attedndance.  mayb that doesnt mean a lot for the stakes of the world, but for a rama it means lot.  Heavens means that there were so many bodies in the church that we didnt even have to turn on the heater!  its a miracle!! we have doubled, tripled!  wednsday, we headed to a farwell of president and hermana  carter.  We watched a couple of videos with pictures from their imssion and heard some of their favorite experiences. almost nothing different though from a regular transfer meeting.  A little dissapointed that there wasnt more stories, like a homecoming with out even mentioning the mission.. but oh well!  we finished off by forming a wedding-funeral line. Happy and sad as every one said their final goodbye to president and hermana.  our new presdient arrives saturday.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Let me start out by singing a jolly old tune we all know...
¨¨its being to look a lot like.... The world cup... everywhere you go!  theres argentine flags to sell, jerseys and hats as well, the loud horns that wake sleeping missionaries... its beginning to look a like world cup.!¨¨

YES FOLKS, its true, this week starts the amazing, makes normal people go crazy, event.  yesterday we started out with the first game and not one soul was out and about, president banished every missionary to their own home at seven oclock. and about 9 the streets when wild as we celebrated the win.  We joined in from the balcony with our shirits and beenies!  little do they know we didnt watch it... haha we have a call line, to find out the scores.. shhh and today USA plays.  Pray extra hard ok.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Priesthood

I smell popcorn in the air, the bubbly smell of cherry pepsi and big hunks, cinnamon homemade suckers, and boiling tomatos.  I hear disntant whisteling and a duck voice, yelling from the sideline to run faster, a singing of a Lou ¨hello dolly¨... I think I hear my papa bear pierre!   Daddy, FELIZ DE DEL PADRE!!!! TE AMO!!!
Buen Dia, 

This week I would like to protest the idea that we can only call home on monthers day.  How unfair is that.  Where is the mens rights... haha  well to say the least this week was a challenging one. some twists and turns and set backs.  Our two marriages are taking their time and dont see the rust that we are placing on them, after 12 years of marriage they dont understand why rush through a marraige in a month!  but This missionary is stubborn and so I am not quite giving up.it would just be easier to get married in the name of them,sadly I dont think that is legal! sometimes its hard when people have agency. haha 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

¨we cannot be saved in ignorance..¨

Yesterday was fast sunday.  Dont you think it is interesting that before my mission waiting to eat until two oclock was horrible and thats with stuffing my face at midnight the morning of... Now here I am amissionary.  fasting saturday until sunday and I dont feel a thing.  It might be because we eat so much as missionaries that we have a bear hybernating back up supply but I think it has more to do with putting your heart into who or what you are fasting for. and to think that for so many years I was just going ¨hungry¨ because I wasnt using the concept of the fast correctly and was just doing it because everyone was doing it.  Luckily I have learned that lesson here in the mission and with this weeks personal study of prayers with fasting, I have seen many miracles.  

The biggest news I have to tell this week is about two families that I have mentioned before.  First, Gabriela and Diego have been living together for six years and the missionaries met them in december.  I came along in january and well since than many an elder has asked us why we havent dropped them. I mean thats months, and missionaries work with days.  Transfers even, if they dont progress it isnt their time. well I am happy to say that I am stubborn and wouldnt let them go. and now we have seen quite the change in this family.  this passed week we asked (like every lesson) if they would get married.  Gabriela replied... ÿes!¨ and when we asked her why, ¨because We are sinning, and I want to settle for anything else besides the celestial kingdom.¨ I had to ask her for a repeat because my castillano must be horrible, did I really hear that you want to get married?  That is right folks, Our girl Gabriela has gained a testimony and this past week went and took our a turn to get married. She told us a really cool story how she gained an answer to her prayer as well. She has the strongest desire to know that this is where she is supposed to be, that this is the true church.  So with this question she visted another church during the week. to feel the difference and help her make her decision and right before she left the priest looked at her and said ¨this is your church¨.at this point in the story I was freaking out not knowing where she wasgoing with this story, but no. She said that right before the priest talked to her she said a prayer and asked if our church was the correct one of her, and like clock work this priest answered.  Prayers really are answered through other people, and isnt it so nice of another churchs priest to help her find her answer.  She came to chruch yesterday for the first time WITH Diego, and they have started reading the book of mormon together and praying.  It is truly a blessing, THEY ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED! (and than baptized!!)  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

the 25h of May... in 25 de mayo

Hello and howdy ho ho ho  fromm the second jolliest place in the planet after santa clauses north poll.. brrr my hands are frozen.
this week was a bit loco and we will just jump right in... last week when writting you we got the transfer calls. my comp was headed off to her next new adventure...  we left a day early so I could go on my first day tour.  We spent the last hours in our area saying goodbyes, running around like the chickens, but luckily they still have their heads... and Well naturally buying icecream, you know me when there is a promotion I go for it. A coupon on icecream?  sure I will buy two kilos even if its way to much for our freezer to handle...  COUPON SHOPPER FOR LIFE! 

Tuesday I was off to the airport with the assistants to the presdient and we picked up three newbies fresh out of the ccm!  it was too great to see their faces and hear their silly spanish.  and too think that that plastered terrified expression on their face was mine.  We headed to the temple and after a quick tour of down town buenos aires... One elder Talked off the president and hermanas ears with question and I think for two seconds I understood how dad feels... but then I just laughed about all the hilarious comments and questions they had... ¨is there a lot of mud in argentina... what do we do if there is mud¨  ¨can we walk the world cup?¨  and one elder is from somem podunk town in utah and has the thickest accent of who knows what... red kneck.. I hope it comes through with his spanish!! ¨the first thing I am doing is buying cowboy boots... This city and I just dont get along¨ We are quite good friends him and I. AFter we headed to the park where southern argentina was dedicated for missmionary work. The exact spot in 1925 by elder ballard. (if you go on the blog there is a picture of us with a log.. its this!)  just this past december, argentina as a country was set apart as sacred land and the grandson of Elder ballard had the privelege of doing so. although only about 50 people knew about it at the time.  IT was the best part of the tour, It brought the spirit procecy became a reality for me as I went back and read the dedicatory prayer after the tour.  ¨¨Argentina is a land far awawy our home in the mountains, but in a country that has been called a part of ZIon...¨ Pour thy spirit unto their heartsñ so that they can receive us as true messengers of God.  Help us to work in the same spirit which he did0him that loved man such that he died for them.. We are grateful to be the delieveres of the good news to theo people of the nations of south america.¨  Just like elder ballard prophised, the work here in south america isnt fast. it is at a slower rate than other places where missionary work is present, but it is also becoming strong and lasting and that is what is important.  My challenge for all my argentina loving family and friends is too read the prayer.  After we headed off to lunch,  I have never eated out in argentina.  Hermana carter sat by me (only females) and I was sure luckily because she started telling me what to get.. haha  So everyone is drinking water and I have some fruit smoothie.. BONUS PÔINTS!  she also bought me a argentina sun knecklace.  Well every elder on the table got a huge steak sandwich so naturally I joined in too.  I can handle it, and devored it. Yum!   after we watched a video on our mission and went over why its the best mission in the world...  We had a mini testimony meeting, inj which I shared how my purpose as a missionary has changed from the first day to 11 months and how  everyday I am becoming a true disciple of Christ.  It was A really great day.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Amor! or as christine says AMUUUURE

Wow how wonderful to see all of your faces and hear your voices!!! who cares if I have a voice or not it was just worth the while to see everyone as a family together! everyone looks so great and oh my goodness I just cant stop smiling! I you had a wonderful mothers day mom from four different points around the world, we all are witnesses that no matter the place, no one bets you! thanks for all the advice and giggles. LOVE EVERYONE SO MUCH!
Well, I left my agenda in the apartment and when that happens its pretty much like losing your brain! I cant remember anything that happened this week, However I will do my very best!   We are teaching an elderly man named Omar.  He is practically my adopted grandpa!  well he smokes and drinks and we've told him to stop a million times, and when we were going to drop him this week it hit me so hard that we haven't even helped him stop.  How horrible were we. so we made a plan for him together, he wrote it out and its been years since he has written anything.  well blessing would have it and he hasn't smoked or drunk for 8 days!!! he is remembering our lessons, coming to church and preparing to be baptized! he is so great and we are so happy for him, He tells everyone about the gospel and shows the photo of him at the temple! it just goes to show you that teaching some just to teach does nothing. that we are literally to walk hand in hand with the people we teach.  We aren't above them, we are with them! GO OMAR!  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Una Familia Dios nos dio

Hola queridos mios,
como va volando el tiempo!

Feliz 5 de Mayo, ay!ay!ay!  I need to find myself a burrito!  My companion is confused why we celebrate this day... I am too, For me its a great day to celbrate our close neighbors the Mexicans and eat delcious food.  Holidays are great!  and I can only imagine stephens outfit today... I miss that goofball.  

Well this pday came fast... if only every week I got to cut off two days, its great!  Luckily I get to hear from you in no time at all! GO SUNDAY!!  GO MOTHERS!  This week we finished the book of mormon as a mission.  We started at the begining of the year and three transfers later we all closed the good book took a deep breath and my guess is everyone individually started reading again.  haha  I think its the first time I have actually stayed to a schedule of reading before, and I liked it!  Its weird how you read a chapter and thaneverything that day relates to what you read. As a mission we grew together and learned a lot. The book of mormon makes magic happen. haha Every prophet is my personal hero and role model, It gives me hope to become that much more as a true disciple and represetative of Christ.  I also finished the new testament!!!  My honest opinion, it started out excellent and by revelations I was a little bit bored or confused. Matherw mark and luke I could read all day, but the ending... mehh, Talk about crazy dreams.  and Now on to the old testament!  wish me luck... lots of luck!  

This week was a week of families, miracles led from one to another .  We have been trying for transfers to teach families all together and this week we taught three!!! the first two.  The first faimily, Jaun Carols and his family of four. A family torn between two different regligions, evnagelical and jehovahs witnesses.  The whole time I was just thinking, wont it be great when your are united together in the true church of Christ!  Boom lets talk about the temple shall we...  The second, Simon and his family of four as well.  We are teaching their grandma and tia who live just right next door.  Their girls, Erika and Delfina are angels! I love them so much!  She is doing the childrens true to the faith and the last lesson we had she whispered in my ear the question when she could be baptized.  She is eight years old.  Talk about a child of Faith!!  however we have to be careful because she reads the book of mormon instead of doing her homework.. haha we put them all on the baptism date together for the beginning of next month.  They are so prepared!!!  The last family was a big miracle.  It was one of my street contacts a few weeks ago, and after all of our plans literally went down the toilet we were left with what seemed like nothing to do...  Marcello!  He was friendly, lets go visit him.  Well He let us in, and his wife (who happens to love english), and their daughter all joined in.  They havent found a church they like yet, but are always reading andn praying.  He is going to be president of the branch someday, just Right after he prays about the restoraration.  They have five kids.  GO FAMILIES GO FAMILIES!  aweee estoy feliz.  

Monday, April 21, 2014


I was reading a talk the other day and I´d like to start out by quoting it. Elder Stephen Oveson,
¨´A story has been told aobut a chicken and a pig who found themselves discussing their contributions to the farmers breakfast table. The hen bemoaned having to donate her eggs for breakfast.  The pig replied ÿes but for you its just a small a sacrifice for me it is a total commitment.¨¨

Obivious there is a lot that can be learned from this parable and since it is pascua its even more appropriate, dont you think so? Yah it is not spring here, which makes everything feel slightly off normal but we close our eyes and pretend.  Maybe leaves are falling but to my left I see baby sheep and to my right freshly hatched chicks.  But be careful to not smell to closely, witch all the animals its definitely not freshly bloomed temple square roses your smelling.  With this story first we can ask ourselfs ¨¨am I an occasional egg giving type person toward the building of the kingdom or am I categorized in giving my ¨¨my heart might mind and strength¨¨ a FULL conseration. Now apply this to what you wish in life, tithing, church callings, the atonement, and well yes MISSIONARY WORK.  we need to stop living under our potential, we are just satisfied to easily with the ¨¨easy¨¨ way of things when really we can be so much more. you may have to sacrifice more time and effort but once you find the golden egg (my bet is that bubbus found it... like always!) its worth it and your left with more than just some temporarly sugar.  We are here on earth to learn, grow, and prepare for a celestial living.  If we think its a cake walk to eternal life we are going to be sorely disappointed once we arrive at those pearl gates.  ¨¨He who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory.¨¨  So get going, your slacking behind and this is the fourth quarter, home stretch, and We are the A team! The shot clock is running out and we all want to stand before our Father in Heaven one day and receive a beso and a ¨¨welcome home, I am so proud of you.¨¨  So GET PUMPED!  And dont worry once your working hard and showing that your serious with obedience and Faith, you are worthy to recieve the most wonderful surprises and blessings.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

the pure love of christ

Hola and BUEN DIA!

Well I am just stoked to open up my email today because last week my emails didnt print... therefore it has been two weeks since I got to read of zion and I am just super oober anxious. the life of a missionary eh?  and just to clear things up you can send mem letters. packages no, but letters are still great!  (so no excuses...)

This past week was transfer week and we lucky dogs since we are so far out here we get the special treat of knowing the day before the whole mission. I wasnt nervous until the phone does the vibrating dance and after its nothing but twinching motions. But never fear when they announced that we are SAFE! my comp and I were so flippin excited the photo went flying for a beso and a hug!  the rest is history... the first week is up and I will be honest it started out bitter but ended sweet.  Here in 25 de mayo I have learned a lot, I think that if I were to pick a part in my mission where I really learned to give myself to the work it would be here. I think a big part of it is that when you put to ¨babies¨ together they learn to lean off eachother for support. And in the process we have become the quite the dueling double and the best of friends.  There isnt a day we dont put back our heads and laugh and there isnt a day that we regret. Disappointments and failures si, and there are days when we find ourselves kneeing pleading for forgiveness because we could have done more, but I feel as though I have grown more in these past three transfers than in my whole life. and I can actually feel myself becoming the person I have set out to be. I still have the himilayas to climb obvio but hey the best thing about the hike, is the view from the top!  

Monday, April 7, 2014

General conference weekend

Well General conference week, The week that you look forward to for six months and than flys by within a second. Unlike in seattle washington where we were required to watch it was just slightly different here. For this conference its appropriate to say that I sacrifised this years confrernece for the cause, but since the cause is vale la pena aka worth it,  I was ok with it. Haha in other words I didnt have the privilege of watching the eight hours of inspiration. You see saturday mornign we were out searching for our investigators taht promised they were coiming and that rain convinced them otherwise, in the afternoon with more heavy rain fall we were visting the same peopel... haha sunday was better as we had people for the session but being as we had a ton of kids going wild I took upon me the obligation and magnified my calling as primary teacher and entertained the hoodums for the hours so their parerents )our investigators( could be spiritually inspired and recognize the spirit.  I crossed my fingures really hard that you all sent me great snib bits of the event so I can catch up and I am reaaally looking forward to the ensign this upcoming month!  Overall it was quite the hectic event, I realized that a three hour block just on sunday is the way to go! haha It was slightly strange to be watching conference at 5 oclock in the evening here when its only 2 there... time changes are weird! GET UP, Its already 10 in the morning!!
speakingn of conference, Elder Zivic of the 70 is the father-grandpa of a my haedo ward.  yUp his family pretty much makes up the whole ward.  Hermana vicente and I were their when when his grandson was baptized. in other words it was so great to hear that our country was represented in the conference!  His son, served in slc and would always talk english with me.  anyways I love this family and if you look up the spanish traslation its obviously his voice which is the argentina accent!!! in other words you can spend some time in my world while listening!  GO ARGENTINA!!  where we speak beautifully! 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Holiness to the Lord

Que Tal Familia! 

Well this week was a rim filled uh oh spilling juice all over the floor week. We had two lessons this week that just left me filled with gratitude for my savior. I saw two investigators who when we first encounted them had little to no faith. they were almost considering themselves atesists. and now they are praying reading and KNOW that they are children of God and he Loves them. I have never been so spirit guided in my Life and my companion and I spoke words that were not ours. DO you want to know what was the secret for these two wonderful lessons?  We focused one hundred precent in the Savior. Nothing else and it made the world of difference. Our focus wasnt even to teach them but to just testify and help them. and I have such a true love for these two woman who I Just met.  It is so wonderful to be serving the Lord. Please keep Mariliana and marta in your prayers!

Well lets just skip to the best part of the week shall we!  Saturday, Tinnies birthday, we spent on sacred dedicated ground.  Thats right the temple!  Knowing we would be headed there for quite some time it has been the theme of march.  In tatal we had eighteen people go, six of which were missionaries, five investigatores.  We found ourselves pitching in from our own pockets for some of the members, as this is a huge opportunity that cant be missed and some just cant afford it.  it was 174 pesos... which is about 19american dollars. As missionaries we have teh rule of not being alleowed to enter the temple. So we spent form 9 until 5 on temple grounds enjoyinig the care free day. I have to admit itw as extremely difficult